Ivan Vasiljevic
1 min readOct 18, 2017


Hi Nik,

Thank you for your feedback. When you clone the repo and replace Twitter secret and key, example should work. Most likely you haven’t put Twitter secret and key on all three places. You have to do that in two files server.js and passport.js. Also you must pay attention on server.js. Because there is two places where you need to replace key and secret:
* router.route(‘/auth/twitter/reverse’)
* router.route(‘/auth/twitter’)

I will probably extract that two constants in separate file, so that it is much easier to change them. I don’t think that I will have time to that today, most likely I will do that during the weekend.

Callback is not that important, it should point to client application. Also, you should return port number in callback to 3000, I haven’t test any other value.



Ivan Vasiljevic

Enthusiastic software engineer with 5+ years of experience in web development and home automation | http://bit.ly/2LZoPsi