Robin Everwood
3 min readSep 24, 2019


Gardening can be very rewarding. If you take care of a plant, it will produce beautiful blooms, and berries! Here are some gardening questions and answers.

An illustrated white petal daisy in front of a blue circle gradient background

1. How much light does my plant need?

Most plants need indirect, or direct sunlight everyday. Indirect light is simply light that is diffused. This could be from plants casting shade in the surrounding area, or a sheer curtain over a window. Direct light is full sunlight with no diffusion. This for example, could be plants outside with no covering.

If a plant is not used to direct sunlight, it can obtain a sunburn on it’s leaves. It will also begin to wilt, and even change colors (from green to yellow or brown).

There are plants that can survive in conditions with less light. Low light is when there is really no sunlight. Places with little to no sunlight would be rooms without windows, or rooms with thick curtains.

Here are some plants that can survive in low light:

  • Zanzibar Gem
  • Snake Plant
  • Philodendron

2. Why are my plants dying?

This can happen for a number of reasons.

  1. You are overwatering your plant. This is one the most common causes of dying plants. Overwatering a plant can cause root rot, and fungus growth. Root rot will slowly change the plant’s roots into mush, and it will no longer be able to take in water and minerals. Fungus will produce an odor, and appear in white or black patches. If you notice the fungus early enough, you can still save your plant with a few methods. One method is to use fungicide on the area.
  2. The wrong type of soil. Plants can be picky when it comes to soil drainage and type. Some plants thrive in dense soils, and others like sandy pebble mixes.
  3. The container you have it in is harming it. Yes, that is right, some plants are sensitive to the pots you plant them in. Metal containers should not be your first choice, as they can heat up in the sun. Once they heat up they can burn your plant, and reduce the amount of moisture in the soil.

3. Can you over-fertilize a plant?

Yes, this is a common mistake. Some plants do not need fertilizer, and others need it ever so often. Fertilizers contain salts, and when there is an excess amount of fertilizer it can cause the soil’s pH to become too acidic. It can also cause the plant to become weak, and susceptible to bugs.

When using plant fertilizer, it is best to use it sparingly.

4. When will my plant produce a flower?

Some plants take longer than others to gift you with flowers, and others may not even flower. Make sure you know what plant you have, including the species name. This way you can ask a local florist or check online to see if your plant will flower.

5. Are there any plants that can live indoors?

There are many plants that can live in apartments, and homes. Here are some plants that can live indoors:

  • Snake Plant
  • Ivies
  • Anthurium

To support me, and for more gardening and indoor tips:

Support — https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XQ135RL/

Tips — https://www.robineverwood.wordpress.com

