Robin Nickell
2 min readAug 9, 2018
Your Gut Is Your Guru Babe

Flow is a very real thing. Yes, if you are operating from your purpose the current will carry you. But it will only move you so far. There will be a point, even when you are waist deep in your passion, where you will reach fatigue. The brakes will come to a screeching halt and you will feel as if you are pushing a boulder up hill with broken legs. Here is where we grapple with the nagging questions.

Is this really what I’m supposed to be doing?

Am I operating from ego or spirit? (Oh baby…that’s a tough one…hint…let your ego serve the spirit)

At various times I have heard the whisper of ego or spirit, and each time it was right. Sometimes the answer is the project needs dumping and re-booting. Sometimes the answer is to keep pushing forward and show the Universe how badly you want to give birth. I know it sounds complicated and contrary. But here’s a little secret I’ve learned from life, life is sometimes complicated and contrary. Because you know…light and dark, duality, oppositional forces, grit and grace and whatnot.

The real lesson here is you are your own guru. The beauty of growing old (yeah, I said it) and soul expansion is learning to trust our own internal guide. I used to find myself asking for approval, affirmation and direction. Now I know my GUT is my guide.

With Great Love,