My Dandelion Picker

the puzzle of Elena

Robin Marushin
1 min readMay 3, 2021


Loves to catch frogs

And pick dandelions

Laugh at Dora the Explorer

Drink chocolate milk

And swim after dive toys.

She’s 14 trapped in 4 years old.

Her mind explodes into daily seizures.

Her body follows, reluctantly…

…despite the pills, the liquids, the diets, the supplements, the implants, the brain surgeries, more meds, more doctors, more tests, more drugs, other doctors, other studies, other guesses….

And suddenly a new problem?

Waves of grey smoke fill her mind with evil.

Like an imposter in her neurons

And she explodes in unexpected rage

And flies out of control

Hitting, kicking, biting, pinching, repeat.

It’s hard to continue to be patient.

It’s hard to not fight back.

It’s hard to try again.

But we do.

I have to love her despite her newfound aggressive and violent rages.

Because I am her mother.

And a mother’s love is unconditional.

Believe me, I know.

Because it has been tested.


