35 Priceless Lessons 2015 Taught Me

Robin Sharma
3 min readDec 28, 2015


As we end another year, I wanted to offer up the 35 lessons that were of the greatest value to me over 2015.

I — with a humble and wide open heart — thank you for following + sharing + living + modeling my work (whether via my YouTube videos/Facebook posts/tweets/books/live events) over these past 12 months.

There’s zero doubt we’re building a global movement. And I’m counting on you to keep building it with me so we inspire all who walk on our path.

My team and I have very special plans to serve you even more richly in 2016…

…I’ll be launching (finally!) the podcast so many people have been waiting for me to do, writing at least 2 new books (much of the writing will get done in Rome and Mauritius), delivering an all-new live event I’ve been working on for over a year called Personal Mastery Academy (at The Ritz-Carlton in Toronto June 11 + 12 so mark the dates) and devoting myself to ending the year at wow with our flagship event The Titan Summit [being held this year in magical Zurich on December 3, 4, 5 and 6]. We’re already nearly 75% sold-out on The Titan Summit 2016 given all the people who were at the event a few weeks ago and snapped up the seats I made available.

Please know, as we close out this year…

Together, we are doing our part to grow positivity, inspire productivity, push audacity and radiate humanity on a planet that needs these more than ever before…and trust me, I love you for it!

Ok. Here are the 35 insights that served me best this year…

#1. Ambition is only a dirty word if it’s an unclean ambition. Human beings are built to grow and progress. You are meant to shine.

#2. As you rise in authentic power, craft and impact, some will throw rocks at you. Take the High Road. And trust that the truth always wins.

#3. You can pursue shiny distractions. Or you can do epic work. You just don’t get to do both.

#4. A rare-air dream requires an explosively great team. The smartest way to grow a company is to develop your people.

#5. Generosity is the cure for scarcity. Be the most giving person in every room you’re in and life will reward you with uncommon blessings. Remember: doing good in expectation of some return is no gift — it’s an exchange.

#6. Why worry about a disrupted economy when you can build your own economy via the pursuit of mastery.

#7. Happy people make happy leaders — which create happy teams. So work on your happiness.

#8. A smile to a stranger is a gift of vast proportions.

#9. Creativity breeds amid solitude versus noise.

#10. If world-class was easy, everyone would be doing it.

#11. A monumental vision means, en route to the summit, you’re certain to experience monumental hurts. That’s just the price of bravery. Stay in the game. Longer than any naysayers suggest you should.

#12. Being on time is hip. Keeping your promises is cool. Having good manners is in.

#13. Optimism is a gorgeous contagion.

#14. Busy isn’t productivity. Fake work isn’t real work. Fight for focus. And execute on what counts.

#15. Love is the antidote to fear.

Read the rest here

I wish you a happy + healthy + brilliant rest of 2015.

Tons of encouragement + genuine appreciation,


P.S. We just finished up The Titan Summit 2015 (magical!) and I just had to share the trailer with you as it brought tears to my eyes.

Watch it here for some beautiful inspiration



Robin Sharma

Global Leadership Expert + Founder of The Titan Academy + Humanitarian / For help to x20 your success visit: https://RobinSharma.com