5 Simple Life Rules

Robin Sharma
2 min readJun 8, 2015


by Robin Sharma

Like all great truths, these are simple. The mastery shows up in the execution and daily implementation, not in the simple idea itself…

#1. Do and Be Good. Who cares if no one notices or appreciates the good you do. You’ll notice it. And you’ll appreciate the person you are even more. Nothing else matters.

#2. Think For Yourself. Too many among us are blindly following the herd. We grow up and step into our authentic greatness when we dare to trust our instincts. And craft a life that fits with our own values. Not the values of some tv show. Or some neighbor.

#3. Relentless Beats Intelligence. It’s great to be brilliant. It’s even better to be relentless. Unreasonable levels of perseverance get you a lot farther in life that talent. Just amazing what happens when you commit to becoming undefeatable around your dreams.

#4. Work On You. You’ll never rise to a place higher than your self-identity. We each run a story. And that very story determines what you do and how you live. It sets up whether you behave as a victim or perform as a victor. Each day, in the quiet of the dawn, work on you. Read the smart books. Visualize your best you. Do your affirmations. Write in your journal. As you change, your whole world changes.

#5. Remember The Shortness of Life. Life passes in a blink. Forgive those who have wronged you — they knew no better. Love those who love you — they deserve your kindness. And be a light, never a critic.

The world has enough apathy, average and hatred in it. We need more heroes. People like YOU. Who lift us up via the person you become.

And wouldn’t that be a great way to spend the rest of your life?

I wish you a wonderful week ahead. Every good wish.

I remain, your fan always.




Robin Sharma

Global Leadership Expert + Founder of The Titan Academy + Humanitarian / For help to x20 your success visit: https://RobinSharma.com