The Secrets of Uber-Wealthy People + True Life Wisdom

Robin Sharma
11 min readSep 11, 2015

by Robin Sharma

I’m on an airplane flying home from Scottsdale, Arizona. The trip was supposed to be about business but it effortlessly morphed into something so much more…just like this blog post, as you’ll soon discover ;)

…In a world where so few have the attention and discipline to read content to the end, I encourage you to do so here as I’ve offered you a wealth of insights and lessons that I naturally believe are very much worth 10 moments of your precious day.

Fair warning: this piece is not short. But it’s a seriously valuable message, with layers of insight that those who dig in will find…

…so let’s get this going…

…on the trip, I met new friends who play at the level I love to play at, who talk about the things I long to talk about and who have the rare ability to create vast worldly success yet, at the same time, are on a mission that verges on obsession for bringing the world higher with them. These are the beautiful people each of us can call into our days, once we develop the insight to see them.

The trip taught me a few core lessons that I humbly share with you in the heartfelt hope they serve you exponentially:

Trip Lesson #1: Life Wants You to Win.

It really really really does. You just need to get out of your own way (by staying super open, holding your goals with a very light grasp and trusting the wisdom of your instincts over the chattering of your logic). Deep within us lurks a saboteur, a voice of fear that convinces us to stop when we are set to start or surrender when we are close to the gold. Best to notice that voice a little more and shout it down so you begin to fly.

Trip Lesson #2: Real Risk Delivers Large Rewards.

A few years ago, I skied down a mountain in New Zealand. I’d never skied deep powder before that day. But I had no choice but to betray my demons, transcend my insecurity and drop down that epic summit the helicopter left me on. That day of my life was messy, awkward, terrifying, gorgeous, inspiring and seriously unforgettable. Please know: If I hadn’t had the guts to say a big YES to the opportunity, I’d have missed a grand adventure life had in store for me. The main suggestion: that project you want to do but are frightened to do is the best one to do. Your greatness demands no less.

Trip Lesson #3: You’re Not Supposed to Understand Everything.

It’s human nature to wish for an explanation to everything. We create a mental architecture from the time we’re children and then try to fit the events of our lives into these neat intellectual models. Why? So we feel safe and secure and in control. But that just makes life laugh…

…the true brilliance of your life resides well past your comfort zone and the riches it has in store for you live on the other side of your arena of control.

…allow me to ask you…what if…you were actually safest out in the vast unknown of your deepest blue oceans? I’m learning that so much of life is an amazing mystery. We’ll never figure it out. And while it may not unfold the way you want, it always–eventually–turns out even better than you expected.

Trip Lesson #4: Generosity Delivers Miracles.

I rarely use the word “miracles” in my work. But it is beyond stunning to me what happens when I commit to being the most generous, giving, loving and open instrument of extreme service in every room I happen to be in. The hand that gives, gathers, it just does.

Look, I run a number of businesses, adore being an entrepreneur, cherish being an ultra-creative, used to be a litigator and have spent most of my life very much in the world as builder/maker + global citizen…BUT…

…so much of the dominant beliefs of this world seem to be false. And maybe that’s why so much of this world is broken?

…And though my boots are very much on the ground, I’ve also learned that the moment you release the thinking that all around us have taught us, and have the utter bravery to TRUST what you already know to be true in your heart (versus what is socially cool), your life explodes into the happiness, creativity, productivity, vitality, originality and massive beauty that was there for you to experience from the very beginning.

…And once you trust life enough give (give your best work + give your best mindset + give your best courage + give your best love + give your best gifts + give to those in need), the miracles that reside on the other side of your wildest imagination just begin to show up in an endless parade.


…this post was supposed to be about the secrets of the wealthiest people on the planet. And just like “miracles”, I don’t employ/deploy the word “secrets” very often. But the richest of the richest think + feel + do things that most people don’t know about (remember: “To have the lives very few have think and do what only very few do”). And so they are secrets.

Here are 7 of them based on my 20 years coaching many of the richest, most successful people in business and working with the superstar producers who flock to my Titan Summit every December in ice-cold Toronto:

Secret #1: They Don’t Care What Others Think.

This is a core insight. How many times have you had a world-building idea that would 100x your own life in the process and given up on it the moment someone in your inner circle shot it down.

You can become an icon. Or you can fit into society. But you can’t do both. This world was constructed by eccentrics and misfits. In the great book by Peter Thiel Zero To One he notes many of the Silicon Valley greats have Asperger’s Syndrome, on the autism scale. These people are wired with no need to fit in. This became their advantage. And so they dreamed up grand visions and got them done, denying the chattering voices of the naysayers around them.

Trust your gut my friend. Block out those who don’t get you. Go ahead and nail your dreams. You’ll be considered a genius at the end.

Secret #2: Emotions Power Wealth.

Look, a big heart always beats cold logic. I’m not saying you don’t have to have the bravery of a warrior to win at your goals. All I’m saying with the deepest of respect is that every financial tycoon was driven by a cause so much bigger than themselves. And it came from their emotional dimension versus their intellectual realm.

Passion. It comes from an insanely great purpose. Like to invent a better way to inspire kids. Or a social platform to connect humans. Or a shoe company that also helps children without shoes get a pair.

Secret #3: Your Social Circle Determines Your Net Worth.

You’ll never rise to financial freedom until you populate your life with bigger thinkers and better performers than you. My life transformed with a single decision: don’t let energy vampires and dream stealers into my bubble and welcome in those of radical ingenuity, bold productivity and off-the-charts humanity.

Those associations shattered my limitations, opened me to universes of mental + emotional + financial + spiritual possibility that accelerated my results more than I can express.

All it takes is one conversation with a game-changer to alter the rest of the way your life unfolds. Period. No more need be said.

Secret #4: Your Money Never Exceeds Your Identity.

Getting your internal foundation right is what the billionaires I work with make job #1. As the late great Jim Rohn said: “Income rarely exceeds personal development.”

Without building up an undefeatable mindset, installing a massively fit physical life, releasing the toxic waste of anger and sorrow from your emotional core and sculpting your empires in your soul, how can you possibly walk out into the world and do amazing things?

The world really is a mirror, giving us not what we want but who we are.

Secret #5: Too Many Great Opportunities Costs You Every Opportunity.

Why write 50 books when all you need to write is a single The Prophet or How to Win Friends or Harry Potter?

Focus on your singular masterpiece. Your Taj Mahal. Your Sistine Chapel. Your Moonwalk. One of the things that destroys great companies and lives is pursuing too many once in a lifetime opportunities versus developing a monomaniacal focus around the best one.

Secret #6: The Moment You Become Successful Is a Very Dangerous Place.

Few things fail as well as success does. So easy to arrive at the summit and then begin to stop doing the very things that got you there.

Oh–and the real trap is that the moment you become wow, you start thinking you’re wow…

…but masters never think like masters but beginners and so they stay as masters.

Secret #7: To Make Millions Help Millions.

The real key to wealth is service. Be of use. Release art into the world. Because the more people you help and the more value you deliver the more life rewards you in kind.

I truly hope this post has been helpful. And if you’re the kind of person who wants to exponentially raise your game and results and your life…

And if you are really ready to make VAST improvements in your prosperity, positivity, productivity, performance, lifestyle and contribution to the people of our world, there is such a beautiful and profoundly valuable opportunity I’d like to share with you with the utmost respect but strong encouragement that you recognize what this means to you, if it feels right for you…

…you may have heard about my flagship event, The Titan Summit. I only do it once a year. It’s very exclusive. It takes place over 4 days. I bring in faculty members ranging from Richard Branson to Seth Godin. The human beings in the room are many of the smartest, most successful, most decent, most giving and awesome humans I’ve ever met…

…the people fortunate enough to get seats at The Titan Summit leave this live event:

–knowing the insights, habits, techniques, hacks and ways of doing what only the top 0.0001% of people on the planet know.

–with new friends and the deep relationships with the kind of people they always wished they knew. People who inspire them to transform and show them models of possibility they never knew existed.

–a fire in the belly and a newfound mindset that translates into the finest business, personal, social and fitness results they have ever experienced in their lives.

Like anything ultra-valuable, this annual 4 day event with me is not for everyone and isn’t inexpensive.

One regular-priced seat goes for $25,000 (which I honestly believe is underpriced given that many attendees receive 10x that value after just the first day)…

…I opened up advance seating to The Titan Summit 2015 many months ago and all of the early registration seats offered at $9997 are completely gone. And out of respect for all of those people, no more seats will be offered at that price.

But I have some very very very good news to everyone wondering if they can still get into this year’s event being held in Toronto on December 5,6,7,8…


–my faculty this year includes one of the most iconic pro athletes in the history of sports (yes, his name is still a surprise but just know he’s a true legend, now a super-successful business Titan and a very committed philanthropist who will let you in on his best moves) AND…

…one of the world’s top entrepreneurial thinkers whose methodology has caused revolutions in the businesses he coaches (surprise guest too, for now :))

…the famous author of The Book of Awesome, Neil Pasricha, elite performance superstar Dr. Isaiah Hankel, #1 bestselling author of Fascinate and growth guru to the FORTUNE 500, Sally Hogshead, legendary health expert Dr. James Rouse (his session is worth the price of your investment alone), brilliant speaker Scott Stratten (bestselling author of Unselling and Unmarketing) just to share some of my faculty at this year’s event.

…Yes, my design is to blow your mind with 10x plus the value you pay so you leave feeling the whole investment was absolutely free. If you know me and have been to past Titan Summits, you know I give my heart and soul to making this one of the most game-changing/priceless events on the planet. Period.


–if you want to join everyone who has already snapped up one of the limited seats I offered back in the Spring, I have been able to open up more seats.

–you can get yours today at a special price still nicely below the regular $25,000 fee.

–when you claim your spot today you can get your seat(s) for $10,995.

–past attendees have found that it costs more not to be at this event and miss all the learning than to invest in their seat.

Snap up one of the limited new seats now available here

Definitely trust your gut if this feels right to you and snap up your seat before it’s too late right here

I can’t wait to meet you at The Titan Summit 2015 and hang out with you and my world-class faculty for 4 of the greatest days of your life.

Very best wishes,


P.S. The seats I’m making available will be taken very quickly so please just trust your gut on this one and get your seat now here.

I really want to help you, create ridiculous transformation for you and the reality is this event is the best way I know of to get you there.

I predict you’ll look back on your wise choice to be in the room with us as the decision that dramatically changed the direction of your life.

Claim your seat right here

Hope you received great value from this post! Speak soon.



Robin Sharma

Global Leadership Expert + Founder of The Titan Academy + Humanitarian / For help to x20 your success visit: