Top 5 Reasons To Visit Yaoundé, Cameroon

Vanella Robinson
5 min readSep 6, 2023


Yaoundé, known as Seven Hills, is Cameroon’s capital and second most populated city. It’s smaller than the capital, Douala, but it’s still a bustling metropolis. People from all over Cameroon live and work in the city.

Yaoundé, Cameroon

Yaoundé is a city with a population of 2 million people and is the political capital of the country. It is located in the Centrale province and is bordered by the Mfoundi River, which runs through the city on its northern and southern sides. At an altitude of 700 meters, the city is encircled by hills, marshlands, and streams, and is situated on the ancestral homeland of the Ewondo and Eton peoples, although it is now a popular destination for people from across the nation. The downtown area is relatively small, consisting of a few high-rises around the boulevard du 20 mai and a quarter of ministries. The remainder of the city consists of a patchwork of small dwellings, including both commercial and residential buildings. The main axis of the city runs from the axe présidentielle de l’Etoudi, the presidential palace, to the airport.

If you are planning to make your vacation trip memorable, Yaoundé can be a great option for you. Here are the reasons why you should visit Yaoundé.

Mefou National Park

Mefou National Park, also called Mefou Wildlife Sanctuary and Mfou Reserve, is a protected national park and zoo located in the forested region of Mfou, Cameroon. Within Mefou National Park, Mefou Primate Park serves as a sanctuary for the three primate species of Africa: the African monkey, the chimpanzee, and the gorilla.

The sanctuary was established by Ape Action Africa to house primates that were living in the Mvog and Betsi Zoo in Yaoundé. The purpose of the sanctuary was ultimately to protect the primates that were suffering from the effects of the illegal pet trade and bushmeat trade.

Mefou National Park

Musée La Blackitude

It is a tribute to the traditional culture of Cameroon, particularly the Grasslands, with a restored royal chamber and interesting sacred, musical, and practical artifacts. It is located behind the stadium stands on Boulevard du 20 Mai.

Various forms of art are represented such as marks, royal objects, architectural elements, ritual and ceremonial sculptures, pottery, and much more. This little museum is a true hidden gem.

The project began in the year 1998 from a commitment of its founding president Ngo Nab Fo I NANA Agnès Sunjio through her profound desire to save what remains of the artistic heritage in Cameroon.

Ethnographic museum of the forest peoples: MUSÉE ETHNOGRAPHIQUE DES PEUPLES DE LA FORÊT

Located in the heart of the city of 7 hills, Elig-Essono quarter, near Mfoundi pharmacy; this cultural gem traces the life of the forest people of Central Africa( Cameroon, Congo, Angola, Sao Tome, RDC, Equatorial Guinea). It was created in 2005 to keep the ancestral secrets of the forest peoples.

National Museum of Yaounde( Le Musée National de Yaoundé)

The National Museum of Cameroon: A Monument to the History and Culture of Cameroon.

Yaoundé is home to one of the most unique museums in the country. It’s housed in the former presidential palace of Ahmadou Ahidjo (the first president of the Republic) and is considered one of the most important cultural treasures in Cameroon. After six years of hard work, the museum reopened in 2015, showcasing the country’s rich history and culture.

The museum houses a collection of artifacts that were once owned by traditional leaders, items that are imbued with enchantment and faith, and even a saxophone belonging to the legendary musician Manu Dibango.

The history of Africa is all around us at the Musée National, from the constitutional archives to the rare photographs of those who have held official positions over the years.

Reunification Monument( Monument de la réunification)

Just like its name, the monument is a symbol of the unification of the French Cameroons and British Cameroons, as well as a symbol of the dreams and aspirations for a bilingual Cameroon that will be a shining light in the world.

Cameroon was initially divided into two regions: the French-controlled Cameroon and the British-controlled Cameroon. As the African dependencies began to gain their independence, both Cameroon regions gained their independence.

It was built in honor of the Federal Republic Of Cameroon, and The monument was designed by Gédéon Mpando, born in Cameroon in 1932, and was completed in 1974.

It is a major tourist destination for visitors to the capital city and the most prominent symbol of the union of the two territories.


Yaoundé is a destination that offers a captivating of blend history. This city has something to offer to every type of traveler. The city’s historical sites, museums, and monuments provide you with an insight into the rich cultural heritage of Cameroon.

Yaoundé, Cameroon is an enchanting capital city that is sure to leave you with unforgettable memories and a greater appreciation for Central Africa’s natural beauty.



Vanella Robinson

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