Hokkaido Earthquake 2018: List of English-language Resources

Robin Lewis
2 min readSep 6, 2018


The M 6.7 earthquake caused severe landslides in Hokkaido, Japan (Photo source: Tokyo Keizai)

A day after the strongest typhoon in 25 years swept through Japan, the country’s northern region of Hokkaido was rocked by a Magnitude-6.7 earthquake.

The earthquake’s epicentre was in the south of Hokkaido, east of the city of Tomakomai.

The earthquake struck at 03:08am local time on 6th September 2018, triggering landslides, causing a severe blackout, and claiming several lives.

The extent of the damage is not yet fully known, and the death toll and number of injured continue to rise as authorities gather more information.

Here’s a list of English-language resources for anyone affected by the Hokkaido Earthquake.

1) Hokkaido Disaster Prevention Information
Link: https://bit.ly/2wNSChI

2) Hokkaido Disaster Prevention Hotline
Tel.: 011-204-5937 or 011-204-5092 (English, Korean, and Mandarin)

3) Google Person Finder for Japan
Link: https://www.google.org/personfinder/japan?lang

4) J-ANPI (searches personal safety information registered in its database by name or phone number)
Link: https://anpi.jp/top?lang=en

5) Disaster Message Board Web 171 by NTT
Link: https://bit.ly/2KVlU76

6) Japan Meteorological Agency — up-to-date weather-related information
Link: https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/indexe.html

7) Getting a Disaster Victim Certificate
Link: https://bit.ly/2CpP37n

8) Legal Information for Foreign Nationals (multi-lingual)
Link: https://www.houterasu.or.jp/en/

9) Magnitude vs Japanese Seismic Intensity (shindo) scale
Link: https://bit.ly/2Q94wve

10) 6 Things Not to Do After an Earthquake in Japan
Link: https://bit.ly/2II2iPm

11) Disaster preparedness resources in English
Link: https://bit.ly/2MTknjB

12) Yurukeru App (app for #earthquake early warnings)
Link: https://apple.co/293yZqg

13) Safety Tips (app for travelers developed by Japan Tourism Agency) Link: https://apple.co/2wRWWgF

14) List of Embassies and Consulates in Japan
Link: https://www.mofa.go.jp/about/emb_cons/protocol/index.html

15) Preparing an Emergency Bag in Japan
Link: https://bit.ly/2oP4NqU

16) Emergency Phone Numbers
- Call 110 to report an accident or crime to the police.
- Call 118 to report an accident or crime at sea to the Japan Coast Guard.
- Call 119 to report a fire or to ask for an ambulance or rescue service.

The Japan Meteorological Agency is warning citizens to beware of aftershocks for at least 1 week.

Stay safe out there — and feel free to share or add any other resources below in the comments section.

The earthquake in Hokkaido caused severe damage to roads and lifelines (Photo credit: DW.com)



Robin Lewis

Co-founder @ mymizu | Co-founder @ Social Innovation Japan | Walking 1,000+km @ Michinoku Trail | Social Business, Social Innovation, Sustainability, Japan