Digital gold — Why to buy. 10 reasons.

6 min readApr 13, 2020



Hello guys! Welcome in my blog. Recently, I have posted an interesting article about Digital Gold. If you still not read it, I strongly recommend you to do it.

Cut a long story short, Gold is one of the most sought-after and valuable metals in the world, in addition, it has existed for thousands of years. Its unique status among other metals is due to its internal beauty, rarity and physical properties.

In its pure form, gold has a deep yellow color and is incredibly soft, malleable and ductile metal. These properties have led to its widespread use in the manufacture of jewelry and art.

It is that this metal is incredibly resistant to corrosion, rust and decay. For this reason, we measure the value of money.

Now, I hope you remembered something about gold and ready to read something really amusing. I mean the main goal of my article. Let’s do it!


  1. Easy to buy and sell

You can buy and sell your GOLD coins in the official marketplace of team with ETH and BTC or even trade on 3 exchanges, among them Cryptex, Livecoin, BitForex. It is a good start, isn't it?

2. Easy to move

Gold is one of the most sought after assets that has a real tangible expression of value. Therefore, investing in this precious metal is quite reasonable, but there are no roses without thorns because physical gold has political risks, and sometimes we need to exchange our assets as quick as possible. With Digital Gold you can do it in a few minutes, in this way +1 point to Digital Gold.

3. Secured

No matter where you will hold your physical gold at home, in bank cells, in your garden etc… There is always a risk that you will be robbed. With Digital Gold, you do need to looking for a better place to hide your expensive assets because you know that your shining, yellow money in a safe digital place and also in the safe physical place, but about this a little bit later.

4. Backed by real 99.9% gold bars

Every Digital Coin is a real physical gold which is held in the BullionStar Vault. It is a big and safe place in the safest county in the world. Yes, I mean Singapore. All Digital Gold in circulation can be verified real-time with BullionStar’s Live Audit Reports.

5. Listed on CoinGecko & CoinMarket Cap

You can find Digital Gold on highly-ranked web-sites as CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap. There are 2 most famous portal for monitoring prices, new token, circulation, exchange listing and millions of people surf them every day, every minute and I am sure that even every second.

6. Protect from inflation

Gold can be a protective asset. During periods of severe stress in the global economy, demand for it is growing. Even now, the main buyers of gold are the central banks of China and Russia, in which economic risks are increasing. The United States is the largest holder of gold: the country’s official gold reserve is 8133.5 tons.

7. Stable

The average annual fluctuation range of gold is now about 10% (that is, over the past 360 days the price of gold has not changed by more than -10 /+ 10%). The main thing in this approach is to correctly analyze market data and determine the beginning of such short-term trends.

8. High liquidity

The liquidity of gold is always on top, regardless of whether it is presented in the form of ingots, jewelry, coins or other products.

The leaders of the liquidity rating, money and gold, may well change places under certain circumstances. During economic and political upheavals, a currency can generally depreciate, lose its purchasing power, and shift to the very end of our list. At the same time, gold metal takes on all monetary functions.

In practice, the liquidity of the listed assets may differ from the list given here. It all depends on the specific place of residence and economic conditions.

9. Privacy policy

Do you want investments that truly guarantee the privacy of your identity? GOLD is the right choice. GOLD does not require this. This way you can keep your identity as you want.

It is well known that the physical handling of gold requires the disclosure of personal information and local norms, which vary greatly in different countries. In the NSA era, and almost everyone wants to collect data, GOLD is your opportunity to own physical gold.

10. No fees

It is absolutely free. You do not need to worry about transaction fees, because everything is free. You can make any transactions and payments. In this case, GOLD has a good opportunity as an alternative to pay for your daily business operations.


11. Gift

I like gold jewelries, so if you want to make me a gift, gold rings and chains will be a good idea, but also you can send me some Digital gold because in gold jewelries are only 78% or 58% of real gold (manufacturers use allow with another metals) As for Digital Gold it has 99,9% gold in their bars.


The gold market platform is one of the platforms that is needed today in the world of cryptocurrencies. We know that cryptocurrency is very vulnerable, and, of course, we need an alternative other than a fiat currency, and, of course, this is a gold asset that was used thousands of years ago. In addition, with the Gold Tokens they have issued, we provide an alternative to investing in gold assets without having to bring physical gold every time we make a transaction. In addition to being safer, it also maximizes our profits due to the real-time price trends that occur in today’s global market. Well, I am very pleased to see that their platform is fully operational. I hope everything goes smoothly!

I think that is enough for now. Do not forget to follow the updates, below I will give a few links related to the Digital Gold platform. Many thanks and see you in the next articles


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