How to become an investor with Digital Gold

6 min readMay 16, 2020


The idea of making money work instead of you is really good, but how to implement it, where to start investing for a beginner and how to choose the perfect option?

Investing even small amounts can effectively increase money. Many people do not dare to try this type of earnings, referring to their incompetence in this matter, as well as the lack of thousands of start-up capital. Although such indecision is actually the main obstacle to success, today you can start earning on investments with $ 50 in your pocket.

There will come a time when you do not want to go to work at 7 in the morning, or leave for a month on a trip, but will your work allow you to do this? And if you get sick and can’t go and make money? In order not to be a slave to yourself, it is better to start investing today.

Why is it profitable? The best answer to this question is given by Western financiers. They derived the following golden rule:

And without holidays, sick days and weekends. Money works constantly 24/7/365, and therefore a priori are the most effective employee.

How to invest. Instructions

Step 1. The main thing is the goal

Only a clear understanding of why you need to invest will give the right direction and help you not to give up everything after the first failure. The goal should not be abstract, it would be nice to fix in writing the desired result with maximum specificity.

Step 2. Understanding

Investing is a specific area rich in various terms. For a successful perception of information and non-stop learning, familiarize yourself with the basic concepts in advance. It is worth paying attention not only to general definitions, but also to the main indicators and names of working tools.

Step 3. Learning Above All

Regardless of the option of investment management — in person or through intermediaries — everyone should have basic knowledge about the economy and market performance. Understanding the cyclical nature of market processes, the relationship between profit and risk, can save you nerve cells.

Opportunities to study the basic concepts and laws are enough. These may be books by famous authors about investing. On the Internet there are enough free trainings and webinars, you can also study the official pages on the social networks of modern investors. Private training or consultations are also available for a fee. Naturally, any information received must be considered and weighted before starting work.

Step 4. The right attitude

No one is safe from mistakes. Even the most famous traders and investors repeatedly stuffed bumps to such as getting rich. So, Martin Schwartz, who paved the way for the principles of day trading, commented on his success with the following words: “I will tell you how I became a winner. I learned to lose. ”

It is worthwhile to prepare an action plan for unforeseen situations in advance. This will help not to get confused and maintain control when you need to quickly make a decision.

Step 5. Start

No investment will be possible without a minimum starting capital. Borrowed funds — a bad option for stock games. In the accumulation of the necessary amount will help:

- regular postponement of part of the income;

— Additional income;

- optimization of your expenses.

It is worth investing when there is free money and there are no burdensome obligations — loans, mortgages.

Step 6. Choosing a Style

Before bidding, it is necessary to identify expectations, evaluate your own capabilities and determine the acceptable risk. If you are afraid to lose, classic instruments in the form of stocks and bonds will come in handy. Assume risk? You can try trading futures and options. Only through trial and error can you find your perfect combination when both the process and the result are comfortable

Let’s try to analysis and make our first investment

Digital Gold is a cryptocurrency based on ERC20 as a platform that will help you invest, sell and buy gold in the long term. Digital Gold uses blockchain to facilitate the purchase, storage and sale of gold in digital form with complete anonymity, as well as protect your assets from high volatility and loss of value.

Make payments in GOLD without transaction fee. This means that you can make as many payments as you want, when you need, for free. GOLD can even be used for a daily financial routine, such as payments to your friends and business transactions. The cost of services is comparable or lower with the storage of gold in a depository or bank, without any hassle or documents. Cost is a small percentage of GOLD withholding charged daily on your GOLD balance.

Your privacy from Digital Gold is absolute, no one knows where you buy or sell it. You do not need to provide any information, just an ERC20 wallet.
It is well known that the physical handling of gold requires the disclosure of personal information and local norms, which vary greatly in different countries. In the NSA era, and almost everyone wants to collect data, GOLD is your opportunity to own physical gold.

What’s more

The Token GOLD smart contract has been tested by Chain Security, one of the leading and world-famous Swiss software development companies in Zurich, Switzerland. On our website 24/7, you can buy and sell an unlimited number of GOLD tokens. Any participant can compare the number of Token GOLD issued with the amount of physical gold in the vault using the real-time audit function. The project offers free transactions between holders and the lowest annual storage fee of 0.99% (0.0027% per day). In the future, the company will further reduce storage fees and introduce a flexible payment policy. This startup differs from many other similar startups in the world in that it uses Ethereum blockchain technology to transfer digital assets tied to a physical equivalent and works in full compliance with current legislation.

Working product

With the Digital Gold blockchain advertisement as a kind of messiah for the gold mining industry, it would be ideal to consider some of its functions.
The platform uses the blockchain network, which is responsible for the many infrastructures necessary for a hassle-free gold deal. The network cuts off intermediaries, facilitates real-time transactions, and can also facilitate cross-border transactions. He climbed a notch thanks to the integration of smart contract technology for subscribing transactions and a tokenized asset (GOLD token) for the purchase of FINE / physical gold.

Final thoughts

I think You understand that this startup wants to introduce to the world a new stable, reliable and safe tool for the financial market. We can say with confidence that the investor will undoubtedly be. The Digital Gold team looks just awesome and consists of experienced and experienced blockchain specialists. Ethereum, which allows the use of gold in digital format. The GOLD token is already being sold on popular exchanges such as Bitforex and Livecoin. See you soon in the next articles.

Useful links

➤ Digital Gold —
➤ Whitepaper —
➤ ANN —
➤ Medium —
➤ Facebook —
➤ Twitter —
➤ Telegram —

➤ BTT username — GZanotti

➤ BTT link —;u=1970044

➤ MEW — 0xfAAD3A389aa6EB415d63990de6a2A464dba957aA

