Classic Doctor Who. A beginner’s guide

The sheer amount of classic Doctor Who now available to stream can leave new viewers unsure where to begin. Here is my personal guide for beginning your journey in the TARDIS with Doctors one through eight.

Robert Lea
14 min readJan 10, 2020
With 550 episodes of classic Doctor Who now available on Britbox, new viewers may be confused where to begin (Britbox/ BBC Enterprises)

On the 26th of December streaming service, Britbox added every available episode of the classic series of Doctor Who to its platform. The 550 or so episodes had previously been available in other countries such as the US, but this is the first time that millions of viewers have had the opportunity to watch one of the most important and influential series in both science fiction and television history.

There is, however, a downside to this, beneath the surface the 26 seasons of classic Doctor Who form more than one series. Much like its titular character, the key to Doctor Who’s survival and longevity was always its ability to change. And fans of the new iteration of the show may be surprised just how much the show could change in just a short period of time. And these changes were often much deeper than just the face of the lead actor. For example, in a short period in the ’70s, undoubtedly the classic show’s peak period, it went from the military-based action adventures starring Jon Pertwee and helmed by producer…



Robert Lea

Freelance science journalist. BSc Physics. Space. Astronomy. Astrophysics. Quantum Physics. SciComm. ABSW member. WCSJ Fellow 2019. IOP Fellow.