Hi! 👋 I'm Greg; thanks for dropping by.

A little about me, I have over 20+ years of experience working in user experience and product design, and now I want to write some of that down and share it here.

I’m passionate about building up teams of great designers who can build out great designs, creating products that are beneficial and help achieve their career goals. I moonlight as a mentor to college students and a personal coach and have previously taught multiple courses to aspiring web designers.

I'm currently at The Motley Fool, leading UX, Brand, and Product Design efforts, but all thoughts shared are my own. If there is a topic you would like to hear more about, reach out and let me know.

Quick links:

Personal Site: robleto.com |  LinkedIn: robleto | Twitter: @robleto | Instagram: robleto.designs |  YouTube: Greg Robleto | CodePen: robleto | Dribbble: robleto | GitHub: robleto

Medium member since March 2018
Connect with Greg Robleto
Greg Robleto

Greg Robleto

Creative leader at the intersection of design, product, and tech. Writing mostly about design, CSS, product strategy, leadership, investing, and more.