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, or read & watch your way to being a better product manager.

Rob Hirsch
4 min readNov 16, 2018

In no particular order…


Mind the Product

Product Manager HQ

Product Talk

Fierce Video


A crash course in design principles:

Take this quiz to find out which Game of Thrones character-style Product Manager are you? Online quizzes have a reputation for being flighty. This one has a surprising amount of thought put into it while still being fun. Warning: it’s all spoilers!

Read this if you don’t know anything about how your organization uses data. It’s a great overview.

Read this … ok, there’s a lot in this post. If I had to summarize what this article is about in a word, it’d be “culture”, but there’s a lot more here. Things to think about for anyone who’s the head of an organization or team.

Read this to understand what it takes to test what the devs are building. This 4 minute read is high level, but the “test cases to cover” section (mid-way down) drives the point home. Automated testing isn’t just table-stakes; not doing it is a blocker to delivering faster.

Watch (or read) this mostly-easy-to-follow video (or article the embedded article) on the value of agile over waterfall. Or send it to someone who isn’t sold yet.

Read this to figure out a way to communicate with stakeholders. It has 10 ways, from AMAs over coffee to working in their department. Only 8 ways left!

Read this to learn more about how to interview customers effectively, including how people unconsciously lie when answering how they do stuff.

Have any more? Let me know!

