Robert Nwalozie
2 min readApr 26, 2023


In preaching the gospel, revelation ranks higher than experience.


You mustn't experience sickness-healing before preaching about our rights to divine health in Christ.


You mustn't experience poverty-prosperity before preaching about our covenant wealth in Christ.


You mustn't experience demonic operation - deliverance before preaching about our authority in Christ.


You mustn't experience failure - success before preaching about our rights to living a happy and successful life in Christ.


You mustn't experience a sinful low life before preaching about our righteous state in Christ.


You mustn't experience evil - deliverance before preaching about our rights to divine protection and deliverance in Christ.


You mustn't have near-death experiences before preaching about the resurrection power and life in Christ.


Therefore, dear gospel preacher, do not allow the naysayers and detractors to despise you and your message just because you haven't experienced certain things.


Apostle Paul never saw Christ in person yet he wrote about one-third of the new testament that focuses on Christ, His redemptive works, and our rights in Christ.


Today, he ranks as one of the greatest apostles who spoke and wrote more about most truths and mysteries of the gospel and the new creation realities.


Most of the things he wrote about were given to him by revelation and not experience.

Am I in any way against experience?

By no means!

Experience is good and has its place; but where experience gives you a measure of understanding, revelation will give you a full, deeper, and circumspect understanding.

Besides, we were not called to preach our experiences but to know and preach the Gospel of Christ and Him crucified. (1 Cor 2:2; Mark 16:15)

Seek to embrace revelation over experience.