Pirates of Arrland — Token $RUM

2 min readFeb 2, 2023


Pirates of Arrland is an extremely popular strategy game in which players take on the role of pirates and fight for control of the seas and islands. The game is considered one of the most immersive and exciting on the market, and its success is due to a number of innovations and improvements. In this article, we will focus on the role of tokens in Pirates of Arrland and their importance to the player experience.

Tokens $RUM in Pirates of Arrland play a key role in gameplay. They are used as currency to buy various things such as ship upgrades, weapons, and supplies. Players must earn tokens by completing missions, plundering enemy ships, and trading with other players. Tokens are also necessary to move around the game world and to explore new territories.

Tokens $RUM are also important for player character development. Players can spend tokens to upgrade their ships, increase combat capabilities, and develop their crews. This allows players to customize their characters to suit their needs and playstyles, which adds depth and variety to the gameplay.

Tokens are also an important element of interaction between players. Players can trade with each other, exchange tokens and gain an advantage over other players by owning them. This adds a lot of excitement and competition to the game, and encourages players to work together and build strong alliances.

More info here https://arrland.com/

