Robonetica — the future begins now

3 min readMay 24, 2019


Bill Gates teenager working on his exciting project — Microsoft

Let’s talk about the future 15, 20 to 25 years from now. It has at least 2 important factors to pay attention to. First — it is still our future to most of us and for teenagers and students its the time when they are going to be the leading generation of the world. Guys who are 12, 18 or 25 years now will be in their 30’s and 40’s. Second — we can predict one important thing about the leading technology in the future and it is going to be AI and Robotics. It is a giant technological leap that will happen very soon. And it’s not even just a leap. It has even its own name — the4th Industrial Revolution.

Think about it girls and boys in your teens or twenties.This does mean a lot to you. You are going to be a generation driven by AI and Robotics. Knowing this gives you an advantage to make important decisions about your future and who you want to be. It doesn’t mean everyone will be a robotics and AI engineer. But this tech is going to be literally everywhere. Autonomous cars, assistant robots, Explorers, Surgery AI Robots. Being prepared may just help you to have a better life or who knows maybe become the next Bill Gates orSteve Jobs.

Let us give you an example. Evolution of our civilisation is not linear. It happens for the last thousands of years through a series of sudden inventions that push the world into the new future. Like when what they used to call ‘the horseless carriages’ almost suddenly have been replaced by cars. Or when computers suddenly shrunk from two storage buildings to Personal PC’s at our homes. Or the creation of the Internet, search engines and social media. Do you see? Most of the people usually say “oh, if I only knew I would have developed Facebook myself” or ”Oh, if I only knew I would have made an e-commerce platform and become a millionaire during .comera”.

Well, you know now. AI and Robotics will be there and the next tech giants will be built just here. And if you think that current leading companies will build the future you are probably very far from the truth. We are sure that some teenager is probably building one of the next big things now in his or her room. Teenager? Not a big tech giant? Yes! Think about this — follow the last 50 years of our tech evolution. Name the biggest and most successful companies out there. Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, and the list goes on. Do you see the pattern? Ha — they are built by girls and boys like you guys. Teenagers! Yes — the tech evolution is very much driven by individuals teenagers, who just had access to the new upcoming technology and they have created very successful companies that are the biggest in the world now.

Ferdinand Porsche started to work on his first P1 Electric and 4-wheel drive car when he was 17. In his early 20’s his car was ready and then Porsche happened. Bill Gates was just 14 when he got access at the university to one of the very few computers at that time. He has made Microsoft a few years later. Google for more examples and you might be surprised. And btw google, also a teenager project right? How beautiful.

We believe AI and Robotics should be easily available to everyone. We want to make this tech an easily accessible workshop to you. Follow Robonetica and our great Robots to become the next Steve Jobs. Our mission is to help you make it happen. We want to democratise robotics. Everyone has the same chance to win a great future. We believe in the power of great minds. No matter your financial status or where are you from. The Robonetica project is global and free. Build the next Google. Some of you reading this article now are this person. It was always like this and it will be.




AI and Robotics educational platform. Dedicated to inspiring the new generation of coders, engineers and designers.