Fortnite’s random loot chests are fundamentally important to the game’s success.

Understanding Fortnite’s Success, Part 2: Random Loot and Gameplay Diversity

2 min readJun 7, 2019


Fortnite connects with some of our founding human survival mechanisms.That has made it a very popular game indeed.

But there’s another secret to its success; the power of ‘random loot’.

First, let’s get a clarification out of the way. This post considers the sensationally popular ‘Fortnite: Battle Royale’, which span out of a different game; ‘Fortnite: Save the World’. Each has taken a different approach to loot. Furthermore, ‘random loot’ is quite different from the controversial ‘loot boxes’ seen in recent years.

The first thing Epic got right with Fortnite: Battle Royale is the way players can spend real money. Putting cash on the table only grants the ability to customise the look of your character.

There’s no pay-to-win. There’s only ‘pay-to-look-cool’. As such, Fortnite’s island setting offers a precisely level playing field.

Level playing fields may be fair, but they need disruption to make a game dynamic. Throwing a little capacity for luck into a game in-part defines its potential to keep players coming back.

And that’s where Fortnite’s loot system comes in. Diving into to a new match, the immediate priority is scrambling for resources; some weapons to use, a few building materials and enough ammo.

There’s a rush for loot, as players hunt down chests that release randomised contents. Maybe you’ll get your ideal gun and a hearty supply ammo. Or perhaps a vending machine will relinquish a sniper rifle that doesn’t match your playstyle.

Far from being frustrating, the randomised nature of Fortnite’s loot system facilitates drama, variety and excitement across each match. You found the last weapon you’d have chosen? Maybe you’ll be forced to make a dazzling comeback against the odds. The loot gods gave you just what you wanted? Time to let rip.

Epic could have let players choose their weapons arsenal at the start of each match. That would work just fine, but people would inevitably become stuck in their ways. Matches could even become more predictable, if a certain weapon load-out emerged as dominant.

Instead, the element of luck introduced by randomised loot makes Fortnite extremely compelling. A player may have to adopt different play styles and strategies with every match. The same goes for each one of their rivals. Every Fortnite match starts the same… but no Fortnite match is ever the same. Players have to keep trying new things, thanks to randomised loot.

It puts the energy, excitement and playfulness into Epic’s creation. And why not treat yourself to just one more game? Because who knows what loot you’ll find next time around? Retained players are what makes Fortnite thrive.




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