RoboTeach Nepal
4 min readJul 13, 2022


-By Nishant Chaudhary

Photo by Adam Lukomski on Unsplash

The root word for ‘Robot’ is a Slavonic word called ‘robota’ which means labor or servant. Indeed, robots (as a worker) are intended to reduce the effort time of humans — big companies like Tesla, Google, and Meta heavily depend on modern innovations. The perfect skills and outputs provided by some fewer robots are immensely beneficial compared to many hundreds of normal humans. But to understand why it is more important, we first need to dig deeper into its history, and the need for an automated machine……

The developments of robots and technology were introduced way back in the early century when humans had difficulties handling big machines. In the 1st century, Petronius Arbiter developed a walking doll for fun; Giovanni Torriani made a wooden robot to serve bread to the Emperor. These innovations though had very small functions, but they were very helpful for people to understand the basic significance of a ‘tech’. We integrated the basic details from every experiment and landed on our new products. The future will also use our model and advance it for better-improved features. This is what ‘technology’ means philosophically, we share the data and improve the features whilst maintaining the basic concept.

In earlier times computers were very large and costly, but now it’s completely accessible with amazing features. Despite this drastic change, the main purpose of computers is still the same whether in past, present, or future.

Similarly, the primary purpose of a robot is ‘service’ and it had remained the same for years. Inventors back in the day tried to make devices that can make their life easier and now the race is still going on but with modern data and technology. We have advanced in this generation where bots are creating websites, companies are making service droids, and AI is managing our tasks. Robots provide special features which help us make our daily life completely reliable. However, we are still concerned about the dangers that some robots may provide. Many scientists are warning about the technology we all rely on, hypothesizing someday it will end us all. But this is inevitable as ‘David H. Wilson’ once said

Personally, I’m not afraid of a robot uprising. The benefits far outweigh the threats.”

The idea of a machine droid helping humans with work was initially developed in the early 1950s. George C. Devol invented a reprogrammable manipulator called ‘Unimate’ which was a success for a few periods. Scientists — from a common background — started developing plans and designs for similar programmable robots. Some engineers like Joseph Englerberger used Unimate’s model and used it as a new industrial model for his robot industry. The model was ground-breaking and made him the ‘father of robotics ‘.

This became a turning point for the economy of the tech industry when inventors started making programmable robots and selling them as ‘products’ for the market. Furthermore, programming languages became a vital part of our early development. In 1958, Charles Rosen (Stanford Research Institute) and his research team developed a new model ‘Shakey’ which was a better version than Unimate. The features this bot provided were unique and helpful for the early industry.

Of course, now the technology has developed so far that uses of robots are also in steeve. The big chips which used to store KB’S of data are now at a size of nano, storing Terabytes. We are surpassing history and it will be no longer where every house has a robot. Tech companies are working with various data and research to provide suitable algorithms for robots; mind that this era is phenomenal and the process is way magnified than in the early 90s, thanks to new technology! We are bound to the amazing features provided by different gadgets and hooked with the new technology.

“According to Statista, the current number of smartphone users in the world today is 6.648 billion, and this means 83.72% of the world’s population owns a smartphone. This figure is up considerably from 2016 when there were only 3.668 billion users, 49.40% of that year’s global population.”

Source- bankmycell

This connection between tech and humans is crucial and inevitable. It developed in the early century and will continue for decades, the need for humans to sustain their life is overly dependent on the ‘products’ that continued through time. Whether it is your cellphone you are using, your laptop for skype, or your camera for filming, these are all the examples of innovations which improved over time.

Now since humans have created other gadgets for their better life, science is now focusing on robots. It will be very soon when robots will serve us. Who knows they may find the cure for cancer or find the theories of Quantum Physics — it will happen eventually.



RoboTeach Nepal

A Not-For-Profit youth organization, working to promote education, exploration and competing in the field of robotics by providing the wonderful platform.