Why Robots.Farm Drew 100,000 Players on zkSync in 60 Days? Brace for an Exclusive Invite-Only Phase

Robots.Farm | Fair Launch
3 min readSep 28, 2023

The evolution of Play-to-Earn (P2E) on the blockchain has been nothing short of revolutionary, allowing gamers to extract real-world value from their virtual accomplishments. However, as the popularity of blockchain-based games skyrocketed, so did the challenges. One of the most significant hurdles was the escalating gas fees on platforms like Ethereum, where even a gas price as low as 10 gwei could mean spending a few dollars just to mint a token.

x from robots.farm

Recognizing this barrier, Robots.Farm introduced gasless gameplay, a groundbreaking feature that has since attracted over 8000 active users daily. This innovation ensures that players can immerse themselves in the game without the constant worry of prohibitive costs.

Redefining Newbie Status: The 69-Day-Old Game’s Gasless Free-to-Play Model on zkSync

In the expansive realm of blockchain gaming, Robots.Farm is a shining beacon, not merely for its gameplay but for its transformative gasless experience. This gasless approach ensures that players can dive into the world of Robots.Farm without the burden of transaction fees, truly embodying the essence of free-to-play.


As a gateway to the web3 universe, the platform offers an unparalleled opportunity for users to experience the future of gaming without barriers.

A Glimpse into the Future: The Decentralized Exchange

The buzz surrounding the imminent launch of the decentralized exchange is undeniable. This isn’t merely another DEX in the market; it’s being crafted with cutting-edge routing technologies, ensuring that users always get the most competitive exchange rates with the least fees. The commission structure of this exchange is thoughtfully planned to benefit a range of stakeholders:

sneak peek on exchange

As we embark on this journey, our vision for the exchange is clear: to establish it as a leading brand with a global footprint. More than just a platform, it’s set to be the home for Robots.Farm and a myriad of future games, each tailored for diverse blockchains. We’re not just building an exchange; we’re crafting the future of gaming across blockchains.

The Allocation of Exchange Commissions: A New Paradigm

The commission structure for this exchange is meticulously designed to benefit various stakeholders:

Referrals: A segment of the commission is allocated to referrals. This creates a unique opportunity for guild owners to earn a commission from their users and to tailor experiences that could revolve around the game or other aspects related to the swap.

Liquidity Providers: They play a pivotal role in ensuring smooth trades on any DEX. Acknowledging this, a portion of the commission is reserved for them, incentivizing continuous liquidity provision.

Game Prize Pool: Transforming fees into fun, another fraction of the commission contributes to the game’s prize pool, ensuring players are constantly rewarded for their engagement.

Project Development: Ensuring the sustainability and longevity of Robots.Farm, a portion is retained by the team. This reinvestment guarantees continuous innovation and long-term dedication to the platform’s growth.

How to get invite

To secure an invite to our upcoming exchange, being an active player of Robots.Farm is essential. Why? Because Robots.Farm isn’t just a game; it’s the pioneering flagship of the exchange’s future offerings. Your dedication in the game is your ticket to the next big thing in blockchain.

Robots.Farm quest reward interface

Dive Deeper into the Future of Gaming

The journey of Robots.Farm in just 69 days has been nothing short of inspiring. As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, platforms like this are at the forefront, pushing boundaries and redefining what’s possible. If you’re eager to explore this gasless gaming revolution further, don’t miss out on the latest updates and insights.

