Strategies to Kickstart your day, everyday!

Try these habits to keep your day from running you.

Rob Turcotte
3 min readFeb 27, 2018

Routine is necessary for success. Most of us are on a timer from when we get up until we get out the door, even after we have left home we are constantly rushing to meet our schedule so we can fit everything in.

Having a set routine allows you to start your day under less stress. “If you love your life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”- Bruce Lee

As a father, business owner and coach, routine gives me freedom. On days where I skip or break my routine either by choice or life, my stress levels go up. It’s up to us to prepare ourselves for the battlefield of life. I believe we need to ask ourselves the question, is it fun or ideal to live in a constant state of stress? I’m hoping most will answer HELL NO!

Making the decision to manage your time in the morning more efficiently can be made easy with these 8 habit tweaks.

Initiate your morning routine the night before.

1. Hydration is key and essential to a healthy body and mind. Before going to bed fill yourself an 8 oz. glass of water and keep it next to your bed so you can start your day off with a healthy choice.

2. Prepare your clothes the night before. Set out what you intend to wear; if your workouts are in the AM make sure you have those next to your bed so you see there the first thing you see in the morning.

3. Your nutrition is the key element to a healthy life. Making extra healthy food at dinner so you can take leftovers for your lunch. This is huge and it prevents you making unhealthy choices the following day when your stress levels are potentially higher and you are on the go.

4. Get to bed early enough to get your 7–8 hours of sleep. This is key for your longevity, immune system, appetite and memory.

Conquer your day.

5. Prime your body with your glass of water first thing in the morning; our body needs to be hydrated. For the benefits on hydration click here.

6. Movement in the early morning prepares the body and mind for your day. This does not have to be an all-out workout it can simply be 5 or 10 minutes of moderate exercise to get the body moving. Here’s my morning routine; get moving here. There’s plenty of research that supports breaking a sweat in the morning to increase your overall well-being; it also gives you a boost of natural energy and gives you the edge on your day.

7. Set your intentions for the day! Schedule your day and plan accordingly so you know all the W’s (who, what, where, why and when).

8. How you will execute your W’s? Make sure to write this out and be productive by sticking to your task list by starting with the largest and most pressing thing. Take time in the day, as needed, to check in with your daily intentions.

Remember it is okay to take the above 8 tips and start small. Build up to what works for your lifestyle as you create a successful routine to kickstart your day!

Your time is valuable and you choose how to LIVE IT!

