Apple Music UX Problems: An Example

3 min readFeb 9, 2016


In the past few weeks there have been quite a few articles posted about a perceived decline in the quality of Apple’s software.

I’ve found that little of these articles give any examples that speak to me personally. As a result, I’d like to throw my hat in the ring with a case from Apple Music that has left me infuriated.

Use case: I want to add music for offline listening

It’s hard for me to believe that offline-listening isn’t a large part of what people expect from streaming media mobile apps. If I’m going to the gym or outside for a run, I’d like to take my music with me. Apple Music has such a confusing solution to this problem. They should be embarrassed. Heads should roll.

Ok, I want to take my music with me offline — I guess I’ll click the plus?

All right, step one. Where’s the phone icon? Hmm, expected a phone icon. That’s fine, it must be the plus. Lemme click the plus.

Do I click the plus?

The next screen says it’s been added to “My Music.” Is that a good thing?

Cool (I think?). It’s been added to “My Music” with a nice big animation. Guess I’ll head to the gym now.

It’s about 19°F and snowing in Chicago right now, so let me bundle up and start my 15 minute or so walk to my (wi-fi-less) gym. I think this Mogwai EP will be a chill gym soundtrack. I could have gone with Migos but I don’t wanna get too turnt up. You can’t too get too turnt in the gym. It makes people uncomfortable.

At the gym now. Wait a second –why are all the songs greyed out?

This doesn’t make any sense! I mean, I hit the plus! It said it added the album to “My Music” (whatever the fuck that means).

Maybe if I click the song anyway something will happen? Nope — nothing happens.

The oh-so-not-obvious solution

Oh how could I be so dumb! Of course the only logical thing for me to do is to click the plus and then click the cloud with the arrow that the plus morphed into after I clicked it initially. Oh man, I’m sorry for doubting your UX skills there Apple. Here I thought clicking the plus would add it to my phone when in fact it just means I can add the album to the “My Music” section so I could stream it over wi-fi. Oh man, I’m such a stupid user. No wonder I’m not making the big bucks over at the Apple offices.

Somehow Apple let this make it to production

I don’t know who the person is that wants to add an album to “My Music” for later streaming. I’ve asked around — I haven’t met her yet. Apple Music has lots of problems. This is just one of them.

