How Do You Reduce EMF at Night?

Rob Cortinas
4 min readNov 15, 2022


If you want to avoid being exposed to EMF at night, there are a few simple steps you can take. First, go camping. Then, pay attention to your energy levels and sleep patterns. If you have children, be particularly careful when exposing them to EMFs. Their brains are still developing and they are more vulnerable than adults to their effects. Studies have also linked excessive exposure to EMFs to ADHD, asthma, and autism.

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Metal coil mattresses amplify EMF emissions

If you have a metal coil mattress, you are likely experiencing elevated exposure to electromagnetic fields. These fields can reach levels of about 50 to 100 kilovolts (V) at the base of your mattress, thereby exposing you to increased radiation. The level of exposure can vary, depending on the height of your bedframe and the position you sleep in. Recent studies have shown that electromagnetic pollution has been linked to a greater risk of breast cancer on the left side of the breast.

The best way to limit your exposure to electromagnetic fields is to switch to non-metallic beds and mattresses. These will help reduce the amount of EMFs in your bedroom and will result in a healthier sleep. Additionally, you can choose mattresses that do not contain metal coils, such as those made of springs.

Electronic devices emit non-ionizing radiation

To reduce non-ionizing radiation from electronic gadgets, you should turn them off before bed. This includes cell phones and Wi-Fi routers. You can also set your cell phone to airplane mode to reduce EMF exposure. However, you should make sure that you do not leave your cell phone in your bedroom.

EMFs are created by a variety of sources, including power lines, electronic devices, and medical imaging devices. Approximately 90 percent of the world’s population has access to electrical power. This means that there are a lot of EMFs circulating around the globe. These EMFs range from high-frequency radio waves to low-frequency electromagnetic fields.

Cell phones emit ionizing radiation

To reduce cell phone radiation exposure at night, it’s important to avoid cell phone use during sleep. Cell phones emit radiation because our heads are near the antenna. Using a hands-free device or texting instead of talking on the phone will minimize exposure and improve sleep quality. Approximately 80% of mobile phone users have their phones nearby while they sleep. Only a small fraction of them turn them off.

The FCC’s current regulations are based on research from the 1980s, and the latest research suggests that these standards are outdated. In May of last year, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO) classified cell phone radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” The organization cited increased risks of developing glioma, a malignant form of brain cancer. The findings are alarming, and the WHO joins other scientific research bodies in raising concerns about the dangers of cell phone radiation. Furthermore, there is evidence that cell phone radiation affects sperm, a crucial reproductive organ.

WaveBlock iProtect reduces radiation exposure to the body

The WaveBlock iProtect is a radiation-blocking sticker that fits on the back of your cell phone or the case of your choice. It is designed to fit any Apple iPhone 10, 11, or 13 and is compatible with any cell phone case. It is a perfect gift for Dad!

While it doesn’t eliminate all radiation, it can help protect the brain from damaging radiation from EMF waves. It can also help protect the body from the harmful effects of Bluetooth devices. The WaveBlock iProtect can reduce the amount of radiation your body absorbs at night.

Checking for EMF levels in your home with an EMF meter

Using an EMF meter is a great way to find out if you have high levels of electromagnetic fields in your home. They can be produced by several sources, including electrical appliances, wireless equipment, clocks and radios. The meter also allows you to monitor the strength and distance from the source. It is important to remember that EMFs increase in intensity as you move further from the source.

You can purchase an EMF meter online, or you can schedule an on-site reading from a professional. You may want to test different parts of the house and around electrical appliances. EMF meters aren’t reliable at very high frequencies, so it is best to take several readings throughout the house.

Avoiding exposure to high-voltage power lines

The main way to reduce your EMF exposure during the night is to avoid living near powerlines, particularly at night. High-voltage power lines are known to generate a high amount of EMF, which is why avoiding them is crucial to protect yourself and your family. In addition to power lines, you may also be exposed to EMF from everyday appliances and electronics. Thankfully, this exposure is not as high as you might think, and you can take steps to minimize your exposure at home.

The strength of the EMF from high-voltage power lines can vary significantly. However, most power lines produce no more than 0.5 milligauss of EMF when they are 200 metres away. The strength of the magnetic field varies between power lines, so it is important to measure the magnetic field strength in bedrooms, living rooms, and other areas close to power lines.

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