
Rob Zimmer
2 min readApr 21, 2023


Our world has always contained people who would rather acquire money as a parasite than create income themselves.

I am on the downside (retiring) from a career where I owned and operated a successful Advertising Agency. I started at age 29 in 1989.

During the 1980s, I left a farming career and ventured into television advertising sales. My local sales became so successful the television station promoted me to General Sales Management. As GSM, I attended many training events, which included Federal Communication Commission (FCC) laws and regulations. My tasks included National, Regional, and Political campaigns. I traveled extensively and became acquainted with a multitude of knowledgeable people who constantly recommended I start my own Advertising Agency.

I decided to quit my well-paying job and started Spectrum Advertising, on February 13th. 1989

I labored to think of a unique name that would encompass everything related to advertising and marketing. My lifelong friend and I decided on the name “Spectrum,” which I then thought meant the full Spectrum encompassed everything. After I discovered the dictionary described the name as a prism of light, my first logo design was a prism.

The acting United States president at the time was Ronald Regan, who encouraged moving away from government to private sector business as George H.W. Bush continued through 1993. Our next U.S. President was William J. Clinton, who presided over the Internet’s burgeoning growth. With the economy and trends of the time, the internet was not understood to its fullest potential.

Countless people/businesses did not understand the internet, so In 1996, Spectrum Advertising paid and registered every local city URL, which included Eight years later competition started with enough technical knowledge to pirate a URL I bought and paid ten years in advance 9/3/2008 I submitted and won a small claims lawsuit ESC 10995. To date, the court-ordered claim has not been returned.

When I started in Imperial County, broadcast TV was king, with an 80 percent cable penetration due to our remoteness

2008 Barack Obama became president

2009 the FCC mandated all analog transmission become digital

From 2017 to 2021, Donald Trump was president

Currently, Joe Biden is acting president



Rob Zimmer

Operates a marketing firm.. Spectrum advertising for more than 35 years. Lives in a farming community on the southern border. Political advocate!