The PPPP Approach: Fostering Collaborative Urban Development in Ladprao Canal

Harnessing The Power of Digital Technology to Transform Community Engagement and Urban Planning

Roc Chyarop Burapat
5 min readJul 7, 2023

When I first laid my eyes on the vibrant community around Ladprao Canal, a string of ideas began to play like an unrehearsed symphony in my mind. How could we tap into the immense potential of this locality? How could we bring about urban development that echoes the voice of the community living here?

The answer to these questions lies in a paradigm-shifting approach known as PPPP — Public Private People Partnership.

Understanding PPPP and Its Potential

At the heart of PPPP lies the idea of integrating the public sector, private entities, and the people — the real stakeholders of a community — into a cohesive force driving urban development. It’s about fostering collaboration and encouraging the exchange of ideas on a scale that’s truly inclusive and empowering.

We began the PPPP journey in Ladprao Canal by asking people from different generations their visions for the future of their community. We collected all the keywords and ideas, which formed the foundation for our work with a volunteer urban planning group called Urban Action, led by Asst. Prof. Pongporn Sudbanthad. Together, we shaped these insights into a local urban planning masterplan and an Ecological Spatial Plan.

Our interactions didn’t stop there. We wanted the community to be deeply involved, especially the children. We asked them what animal they encountered first thing in the morning, then combined their responses with their imaginations to create sketches of creatures that were then integrated into our metaverse design. This process resulted in a sense of belonging, as their visions of home became a reality in the metaverse.

Bridging the Gap with the Metaverse

To facilitate this interactive and inclusive process, we turned to the metaverse — a digital realm that replicates the real world, transcending geographical limitations and fostering collaborative engagement. The data collected from every generation, along with the masterplan and ecological spatial plans, as well as the children’s creative outputs, helped us in creating a vivid digital twin of the Ladprao Canal. Expert cartographers and historians lent their expertise, further enriching our digital world.

In this metaverse, everyone had a seat at the table. The community was no longer a passive recipient of urban development, but an active participant in shaping its own future.

Prototyping, Testing, and Refinement

Following the consultation phase, we collated the diverse range of ideas, suggestions, and visions that had been shared. Using these valuable insights, we prototyped potential urban development initiatives within the metaverse.

Each prototype was rigorously tested, with community members invited to provide their feedback, leading to an iterative process of refinement and improvement. The metaverse, a risk-free environment, proved an effective platform for this experimental stage.

Consulting Outcomes and the Way Forward

The collaborative and iterative approach made possible through PPPP and the metaverse led to urban development plans that truly reflected the aspirations of the Ladprao Canal community. The process fostered a sense of ownership among the residents, businesses, and stakeholders, thereby enhancing the likelihood of successful implementation and sustainable development.

The success of the PPPP approach in Ladprao Canal not only demonstrated how digital technology can transform traditional urban planning but also garnered recognition on an international stage. We were invited to share our groundbreaking work at the UN SDGs stage, where we received backing from global philanthropists and web3 communities alike.

The PPPP approach exemplifies how, by providing a platform that fosters collaboration and inclusivity, we can co-create urban spaces that resonate with the communities they serve. This, to me, is the true essence of urban development — a melody composed collectively, playing in harmony with the rhythm of community life.

Join me as we continue to explore and implement this innovative approach in urban landscapes around the world, creating a beautiful symphony of sustainable urban development. This journey has only just begun. The PPPP model, underscored by the metaverse and digital technologies, continues to shape the future of Ladprao Canal and numerous other communities around the globe.

Each day offers a new learning, a new opportunity, and another step towards realizing the global vision of sustainability. Let’s keep making music together!

Explore our PPPP approach for Participatory Metaversal Prototypes in this exclusive CNA documentary from 41:04 onwards. [Link to Documentary]



Roc Chyarop Burapat

Cultivating belonging in the virtual world. A global citizen tuned into the symphony of sustainability. #DigitalBelonging #SustainableSymphony