You Have 30 Minutes to Spare….What Do You Do?

Rochelle Carrington
3 min readMay 25, 2020


Imagine this — it’s another work day. You have been highly focused, almost no one has interrupted you and your day has gone surprisingly according to plan. No, you’re not dreaming. You suddenly find yourself with 30 minutes before your next scheduled meeting and you have NOTHING that has to be done right now.

What do you do?

Hmmm — so many options…

  1. Take a nap — research shows a 10–20 minute nap in the middle of the day will refresh you and give you energy without making you feel like you can’t wake up. I have always been one of those people that can sleep anywhere — sitting up, leaning against something, in the bright light — doesn’t matter. When I take a quick day nap, I always insure it is someplace that isn’t super comfortable. That way the discomfort will insure I only sleep for 15 minutes max before I wake myself up.
  2. Indulge in “thinking time” — we are often so busy running around trying to get things done that we never take solitary time out of our day just to think. That is a tragedy. Taking time to think is not an indulgence but a necessity — that’s where all of the dumbest and greatest ideas come out. If you don’t know what to think about, just ask yourself this: “What would life be like if we kept all of the customers we have ever had? How would we have accomplished that?”
  3. Write Thank You Notes — this may sound old fashioned but my mom taught me to always write a thank you note after receiving a gift and I have forced my two daughters to do the same. The difference is that in business, you don’t wait until you receive a gift to write a thank you note. I have written them to great front desk people at hotels, to clients for “just being a client”, to someone whose podcast I listened to that really made me think. There is always someone that has made an impact on you — big or small that you can write a thank you note to. Juts be sure it is handwritten. It makes a far bigger impact than email. Even Emily Post would agree with that!
  4. Make Yourself Smarter — The best thing about living at this moment in time is that we have access to so much information. You can literally learn about anything! Take 30 minutes and listen to two TED talks or a podcast or read a blog. Time spent increasing your knowledge is always a great investment.

I can think of a bunch more options (shopping is one of them — ha ha), but you only have 30 minutes. So use your time wisely. Whatever you do — DO NOT use an extra 30 minutes to look at email. Use it to rejuvenate your body or mind, develop new and unusual ideas or thank those around you for the small stuff.

A lot can be done in a short amount of time to make an impact on your business or those around you. Time is precious — use it productively.

Tired of working so much? Check out this Free E-book:

Share what you would do for 30 minutes on our Facebook page check out my podcast “Laugh a Lot, Learn a Lot” on Spotify and Google Podcasts.

In the meantime, make sure you Laugh a Lot, Learn a Lot too!



Rochelle Carrington

Personal motto: “Laugh a lot, Learn a lot”. As a lifelong learner of leadership & human behavior, I help others to transform their beliefs and attain success.