Launch List (Example)

Scott Rocher
2 min readSep 15, 2016


Welcome to Random Company. Here’s a list of suggested tasks to undertake in your first few weeks.

On your first full day:

  • Meet with your manager, Sally Smith for coffee at 9am.
  • Find your desk and get comfortable. Ask Scott if you need any office supplies or equipment that you don’t have besides what you’ll find on your desk (Macbook Pro, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, and more)

Sign into your computer and make sure you take care of the following:

  • Log into your Google Apps account and change your password.
  • Change your laptop account password.
  • Throw away the sticky notes on your laptop that has a password written on it.
  • Log into your Random Company gmail account and read through emails, accept calendar invites, and accept service invites (Pivotal Tracker, Slack, etc)
  • Log into Slack on your laptop, install the app on your mobile device.
  • Join some channels like #coffee, #engineers, and #oakland
  • Read the “Bio and Photo” email from Sally and respond.
  • Via Slack, send Sally your Github username to be added to the organization.
  • Begin to review the README on the randomcompany Github repository.
  • Get some lunch with Sally and the team at VietHouse (team tradition)
  • Accept meeting invites for recurring Standups, Sprint Planning, Sprint Retro, etc — they should already be in your inbox.
  • Start to setup your development environment.

In your first week:

  • Successfully setup your development environment.
  • Take a story from Pivotal, create a new branch called something like your-name/this-is-my-feature-branch-name, implement the feature or bug fix, open a Pull Request on Github.
  • Have your PR reviewed by someone on the team and merged to master.
  • Ask someone on the team to show you how to deploy your changes to production.
  • Have a tour of the roastery at 300 Webster. Some great potential tour guides: Eric, Ricardo, or Evelyn. They sit near you at the office.

Schedule a few meetings using Google Calendar:

  • Coordinate with Sally to schedule a 30-minute weekly 1:1 time that is convenient for you both.
  • One hour with Sally to get an in-depth overview of what our team does at Random Company.
  • Coffee or lunch with your fellow engineers.
  • Schedule coffee with Eric and Evelyn, our Product Managers.
  • Schedule coffee or lunch with Prescott, who will be working closely with you on data some efforts. He is the Director of Finance.
  • Schedule a 30 minute hangout to get to know Jamie.

In your first month:

  • Have your “Launch Conversation” with Sally.
  • Meet with Alexandra, who leads our Marketing and Growth efforts.
  • Meet with Lee, who is our VP of Technology.
  • Meet with Jessica, who is our COO.
  • Try to pick up increasing more complex engineering stories and tasks.
  • Visit a few cafes in the Bay Area with some teammates. Meet the manager of each cafe and introduce yourself.
  • Try to work at the office as much as possible. Get to know the people who work around you, especially those who are not part of the immediate team.
  • Let Sally know how you’re getting along, if you have questions, concerns, etc.
  • Have fun!



Scott Rocher

Product at @modernhealthco | Past: @itscalledcactus, @stitchfix, @bluebottleroast, @tonxcoffee, and @yahoo.