8 dating apps for all kinds of fetishes

Pauline Rochette
2 min readJul 27, 2018


“I just want to meet someone who prefers feta in their salad, is it too much to ask?”

Well no. Nowadays, thanks to new technologies, no matter how high or weird your expectations are, you can always find someone while you enjoy the coziness of your toilets.

Here are 10 dating apps and sites that are just silly, if not even sillier.

🧔 Bristlr, the beard Tinder.

“Connecting those with beards to those who want to stroke beards.”The app for beard-wearers and beard-lovers.

👁 Align, The Libra-with-Gemini-rising app.

Matches around here are determined by your astrological sign and how open your third eye is.

🖖 Trek Passion, to find someone with whom you may live long and prosper.

Star Trek fans only! Why not?

🥕 Gluten-free singles, to find someone you won’t share a croissant with in the morning.

In the same spirit we recommend “Grazer”, to find a cute vegan, and even “singleswithfoodallergies.com”.

🥓 Sizzl, for bacon lovers and bacon-lovers lovers.

For all the streaky fetishists out there.

🥗 Saladmatch, where you can meet someone based on their ideal salad recipe.

There must surely be a pizza version, to ensure you won’t date an animal who will ruin it with pineapple.

🦆 Ugly Schmucks, the dating site for the ugly little ducklings.

Being ugly is not a reason to stay single. Plus I’m sure your mom thinks you’re beautiful.

👎 Hater, for haters.

The only way to meet someone who, just like you, doesn’t like bearded guys, gluten, Star Trek and bacon (ed: hang in there, mate, you don’t seem like you’re much fun to be with).

