Don’t Be Afraid To Get Your Feet Wet in Writing; Here’s What I Did

Rochelle Holloman
3 min readDec 4, 2021
Photo by Anca Gabriela on Unsplash

Get out of your comfort zone. I know I just did.

You may wonder why I chose this particular topic to write about. After reading, following and saving multiple articles on Medium for over a year I decided to at least start my writing again. I stopped for a couple of years on other platforms due to multiple deaths in the family and other challenges in my life.

I was extremely afraid. I made all kinds of excuses in my mind such as fear of rejection, not knowing what to do even though I read the rules, fear of messing up, fear they may not like my writings and even more so what I was writing about and not being successful. All of these mental blocks ran through my mind constantly any time I got the nerve to put the pen to paper.

I am on the shy side until I loosen up. I have written many articles and blogs on other platforms in the past but this is my first time on Medium. How will it all add up for me? I have read many writings of @Tim Denning, @Shaunta Grimes and many others on Medium. I felt they were really on top of their game and know how to engage the reader. They inspired me to show the reader what I have to offer and that made me want to contribute and provide value to my readers as well. I know I could do it. I just needed to start like I am doing now.



Rochelle Holloman

Writer, Internet Marketer, Retired baby boomer, nurse and real estate broker. Sharing my knowledge and experience.