7 Ways to Keep Your Independence in a Relationship

This is vital to ensure a good and enduring love connection.

Rocío Rivera
Cupid’s corner


Sometimes we believe that life as a couple requires spending most of our time with the other person. However, there are several more ways to conceive a connection.

Independence in the relationship might sometimes be the key to a good and long-lasting romance.

Living too close to another person may be dangerous.

If we continue to operate in this manner, we may eventually feel inundated, drowned, and without fresh plans to create.

Maintaining a certain amount of independence in the relationship helps us to enjoy time for ourselves, that space in which you could ponder and experience peace, both personally and professionally.

It is essential to learn to regulate our ego so that it does not interfere with the couple’s connection and therefore avoid prioritizing our own aspirations and wishes above those of the other person.

However, if we spend all of our time with our partner, it is conceivable that they may feel pressured to take part in things that they do not enjoy, or that we would demand it at some point.



Rocío Rivera
Cupid’s corner

As a student, I am deeply interested in philosophy and the art of it. In my free time, I love writing and motivate others to make positive change.