Introducing The Rock DAO on Solana

The Rock DAO
2 min readSep 15, 2021


Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, or DAOs for short, have been a new invention thanks to the dawn of cryptographic assets. Traditionally, DAOs have achieved decentralization through fair launches of governance tokens, tokens that bestow voting power to the holder, to the users of given applications. Most recently on Solana, we have seen growth in a new kind of DAO — the NFT DAO. NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens, are tokens that by their nature are non-fungible.

The Rock DAO

The Rock DAO is an early example of the NFT DAO that seeks to retain the value contributed by members within the membership group through their participation. Membership in the Rock DAO is automatic upon acquisition of one of 100 unique Rocks. These Rocks can be acquired through periodic English Auctions through NinjaPlex or through promotional giveaways and contests at the discretion of the existing members of the DAO.

The structure in which the proceeds from Rock sales is broken down is as follows.

  • 50% of sales goes to the Rock DAO treasury.
  • 25% of sales goes to the artists who make our Rocks.
  • 15% of sales goes to the Rock DAO members themselves.
  • 10% of sales goes to the Ninja Protocol for infrastructure/support.

Ninja Protocol provides Rock DAO with the infrastructure, resources, and centralized system of trust for a modest 10% of the sales generated.

The primary goal of the Rock DAO is to collaborate, create and capture as much value for all its members as possible. The secondary goal of the Rock DAO is to pool members’ collective efforts to help grow the Solana ecosystem.

Notable members

Some have said that networking opportunities in crypto have been challenging at best. If you want to get a head start on your crypto journey, why not get direct access to some of the best minds, developers, and entrepreneurs in the space. Here is a sample of our current members in Rock DAO:

How to join?

With just over 50 rocks already purchased, membership to the Rock DAO is already half full. To find out more or get notifications on the next release of Rocks, follow us on Twitter, check out our webpage, or visit our auction page.

