Why Rocks love ROX.

The Rock DAO
2 min readSep 17, 2021


If you’ve been unlucky enough to miss out on one of these awesome looking bad boys, you really should reconsider.

Rox is the first data-driven NFT project on Solana and we were pretty keen to sweep the floor on these gems. The Rox are inspired by the best basketball players’ statistics, and to be completely honest, we think they look great.

So why did we, Rocks, decide to buy these Rox?

  1. NBA season starts in a month, with prices likely to re-rate after tip-off
  2. Data-driven muse concept allows floor Rox to be potential gems as the season stats begin pouring in
  3. The art is unique and of high quality, as the first data-driven NFT project on Solana

The risk with buying NFTs these days that there are a lot of quick cash grabs, drying liquidity and it’s just becoming so saturated, therefore, we knew we needed to be discerning when choosing an NFT.

Another cool thing is that one of our RockDAO members — Phantasia is also partnering with ROX . Phantasia allows a white label product for NFT communities to host private Fantasy Sports tournaments on their platform. Stay tuned for an exclusive Phantasia x ROX collab with special prizes!

If you want to follow more of our adventures, please follow us on Twitter and Medium!

Remember, we would never post any financial advice and this is just our read of the land (or crypto-sphere) as we see it.

