RocketPad Community
2 min readDec 8, 2021


ROCKETPAD’s two-round mechanism ensures every tier level gets allocated. ROCKETPAD is building excellent tiers with influencers and marketing partners, resulting in a consistent stream of well-funded crypto projects on Cardano Network
We will review the distribution of the ROCKET wallet, and will take into account a number of variables including scheduling, business objectives of future startup projects, and the growth of the ROCKETPAD ecosystem.

Staking Requirements and value added.

To join the IDO, $ ROCKET holders must assign the required number of points for their status to the rocket pool for a minimum of 5 days prior to sale.
Holders of $ ROCKET can also benefit from the ROCKETPAD Insurance Program by keeping their $ ROCKET after sale. Details of the insurance program will be published in the next.

How Allocations Are Determined.

We use a pool weight system to determine the size of allocation for each participants. In a nutshell, the goal of raising funds for the project is divided by the pool collection of all participants, each of whom receives a fair share in terms of the weight of their pool to our original.
When Will The First IDO Launch?
After the release of our IDO platform.
Pool Weight Example
Here is an example of how grade level and pool weight can help us calculate the volume for sale:
In our example, a Project Launched on ROCKETPAD (take ADA DEMON for instance) wants to sell 10,000,000 tokens at their first start. Holders of $ROCKET have staked the required amount to obtain a quota for the sale of the Project

For Instance.

* 50 KNIGHT tier members have deposited 10,000 $ROCKET of their choice to hold through snap shot announcement (Pool Weight 1x * 50 = 50 Pool shares)
* 40 BISHOP tier members have placed 60000 $ROCKET of their choice to hold through snap shot announcement (Pool Weight 2x 40=80 Pool share)
The total number of pool shares for all tier members is (50+80=130). Therefore, the 10,000,000 tokens available in Project sale would be divided by 140.(10,000,000/130=76923) Each share of pool weight equals 10000000 / 130=76923 tokens, meaning that Platinum Members (Pool Weight 2X) would have the ability to buy 153,846.154 tokens, Gold Members (Pool Weight 1x) would be able to buy 76923 tokens.
ROCKETPAD also will limit the pool’s size depending on the IDO’s request. It will be FCFS (First Come First Serve). Token holders will obtain the allocations they are entitled to for burning their tokens. This has increased the exclusivity of IDO whitelisting in ROCKETPAD. The total quantity set for circulation is 150,000,000 tokens.
More tiers would be added in subsequent time.

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