Presenter as a Function: Structured Concurrency Edition

Rocket Wagon
3 min readMar 4, 2019

By Matt Langreder, Sr. Software Engineer

Since my previous post, Kotlin has hit version 1.3 and coroutines have hit 1.0. These new releases have now brought Structured Concurrency into the fold. I’m not going to cover in detail the changes to the language and frameworks here but I did want to show an updated example from my previous post. By utilizing Structured Concurrency we can improve on our previous example in a number of ways.


This post is not covering things such as debouncing clicks and other common UI paradigms. You can check the UI Coroutines Guide for examples and ideas of how to properly handle your specific UI interaction needs.

Coroutine Scope

With the introduction to coroutine scope, we no longer need to manually manage our coroutine Jobs. Our Previous activity looked like this:

class SignInActivity : AppCompatActivity() {    private val clickEventChannel = Channel<SignInClickEvent>()
private var viewModel: SignInActionChannels? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
email_sign_in_button.onClick {
override fun onResume() {
viewModel = signInPresenter(clickEventChannel) launch(UI) {
viewModel?.signInActionChannel?.let {
for (signInAction in it) {
when (signInAction) {
SignInAction.SignInSuccessful -> {
toast("Sign In Success!").show()
override fun onPause() {
viewModel = null

In hindsight, this had some nasty pitfalls. In the example above we were just throwing away our channels instead of properly cancelling the coroutines we were using.

Let’s take a look at an updated version utilizing CoroutineScope. This will allow us to easily track and manage our presenter coroutines:

class SignInActivity() : AppCompatActivity(), CoroutineScope {private lateinit var job: Joboverride val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
get() = job + Dispatchers.Main
private val clickEventChannel = Channel<SignInClickEvent>()override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
job = SupervisorJob()email_sign_in_button.onClick {
override fun onResume() {
launch {
signInPresenter(clickEventChannel).signInActionChannel.let {
for (signInAction in it) {
when (signInAction) {
SignInAction.SignInSuccessful -> {
Toast.makeText(this@SignInActivity, "Sign In Success!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
override fun onPause() {

There are a few items of note in this new example. First, our SignInActivity is now implementing CoroutineScope. Because of this, we now need to override coroutineContext in order to provide a coroutineContext for our activity.

We can now take advantage of calls to coroutine builders such as launch which will automatically use the proper coroutine scope. Further there is now a cascading effect on our presenter functions. Any function that utilizes these builders will all be tracked together via one coroutine scope.

Let’s take a look at our updated presenter function:

fun CoroutineScope.signInPresenter(clickEventChannel: ReceiveChannel<SignInClickEvent>): SignInChannels {
val signInActionChannel = Channel<SignInAction>()
// We don't want our presenter running on the main thread
launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (signInClickEvent in clickEventChannel) {
when (signInClickEvent) {
SignInClickEvent.SignInButton -> {
// Do some real sign in, for the example we will just delay
delay(timeMillis = 1000)
return SignInChannels(signInActionChannel)

The major change here is that our presenter function is now an extension function on CoroutineScope. This allows us to call signInPresenter from classes implementing CoroutineScope. This will launch our signInPresenter in the scope of its caller, so we'll get automatic propagation of scope cancellation from our activity. Another way to implement this is to provide a CoroutineScope as a parameter to signInPresenter. After evaluating these two patters internally we chose the first option.

I hope this was a useful update to my previous post on Presenter as a Function, and sheds light on how the updates brought along with Kotlin 1.3 and Coroutines 1.0 have really improved our ability to manage our coroutine jobs.

You can see the updated code here.

Original post on



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