The Enigma of Aatur Harshad Mehta: Unraveling the Tale of a Financial Maverick

3 min readNov 15, 2023



In the labyrinth of financial markets, few figures stand as tall and enigmatic as aatur harshad mehta. His name echoes through the corridors of India’s economic history, leaving behind a legacy that is as controversial as it is captivating. This article delves into the life and times of Aatur Harshad Mehta, exploring the man behind the moniker “Big Bull.”

Who was Aatur Harshad Mehta?

Early Life and Background

Aatur Harshad Mehta, born on July 29, 1954, in Paneli Moti, Gujarat, was destined for a life that would etch his name in the annals of financial folklore. Raised in a middle-class family, Mehta’s journey from a small town to the Bombay Stock Exchange is nothing short of remarkable.

The Rise to Prominence

Mehta’s foray into the world of finance began modestly. Starting as a salesperson in a brokerage firm, he swiftly climbed the ladder of success. His astute understanding of the market dynamics and an unyielding confidence set him apart, earning him the sobriquet “Big Bull.”

The Harshad Mehta Scam

The Genesis

The zenith of Mehta’s career coincided with one of the most infamous chapters in Indian financial history — the Harshad Mehta scam. Operating in the securities market, Mehta manipulated loopholes to rig the stock market, leading to unprecedented surges in the stock prices of certain companies.

The Fallout

The scam, eventually unveiled in 1992, sent shockwaves through the financial sector. Mehta’s tactics had led to a market crash, causing immense losses to investors and tarnishing the image of the stock exchange. Legal battles ensued, and Mehta found himself at the center of a maelstrom of controversy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: What was the “Harshad Mehta scam”?

A1: The Harshad Mehta scam was a financial scandal in India in the early 1990s. Harshad Mehta, a stockbroker, exploited loopholes in the banking system to manipulate the stock market, leading to a surge in certain stock prices. The scam eventually resulted in a market crash.

Q2: What were Harshad Mehta’s tactics?

A2: Mehta employed a technique known as “stock market manipulation,” wherein he manipulated the banking system to artificially inflate the prices of certain stocks. This involved taking advantage of discrepancies in the banking and stock exchange regulations.

Q3: What were the consequences of the Harshad Mehta scam?

A3: The scam had far-reaching consequences, including a significant market crash, financial losses for investors, and a loss of credibility for the Indian stock exchange. It also led to extensive legal battles and regulatory changes to prevent such manipulations in the future.

Legacy and Controversies

Legal Battles and Imprisonment

Mehta’s journey took a dark turn as legal proceedings unfolded. In 1999, he was convicted and sentenced to prison for his role in the securities scam. However, his larger-than-life persona and the complex nature of financial transactions kept the controversy alive even after his demise.

The Mehta Legacy

Aatur Harshad Mehta’s legacy is one of contradictions. While he is remembered as a financial wizard, his methods were ethically questionable. His life story remains a cautionary tale, reminding us of the fine line between financial brilliance and unscrupulous practices.


The saga of Aatur Harshad Mehta is a gripping narrative of rags to riches, success to scandal. His impact on the financial landscape of India is undeniable, leaving behind a legacy that continues to be debated and studied. As we navigate the complex world of finance, the story of the “Big Bull” serves as a stark reminder of the ethical tightrope that financial mavericks tread.

