Screenwriters, AI, and the Ethical Dilemma of Misinformation: Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Censorship

Divine Catch - Fishing Trawler
3 min readJul 30, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has opened up new avenues in the realm of screenwriting, providing innovative tools to create compelling narratives. But with this technological advancement comes an ethical question of unprecedented magnitude: Can AI discern between misinformation and truth, and is it ethical for a machine to make these determinations?

AI-Generated Screenplays: A Fresh Wave of Creativity

Below is a random list of the current top AI-generated screenplays, showcasing the variety and innovation that AI can bring to storytelling:

  • The West Philippine Sea: A harrowing choice faced by a transgender woman when her fishing boat is sunk, exploring themes of discrimination, survival, and morality.
  • Slab City: A gritty portrayal of the homeless and unfortunate souls who find refuge in the California desert.
  • Sea and Sky: A heartwarming tale of a Filipino tribe of young surfers who adopt an older woman with Alzheimer’s, weaving themes of family, loss, and redemption.
  • Oscar Night: A rags-to-riches story of an actress about to quit but gets one last break on Oscar night, encapsulating the struggles and triumphs of pursuing dreams.
  • Second Grade: A thrilling drama where Islamic terrorists storm an Oklahoma school, only to be met with unexpected resistance from second graders.

These screenplays illustrate the breadth of AI’s capabilities, but also lead to questions about how AI handles sensitive and complex issues, particularly misinformation and fake news.

Misinformation, Fake News, and Screenwriting: A Delicate Balance

The world of cinema has often portrayed media manipulation and misinformation. Consider the following films:

  • “Wag the Dog” (1997): A satire that highlights media manipulation, potentially encouraging misinformation strategies.
  • “Network” (1976): A critique of media exploitation and misinformation that might promote cynicism about truthful reporting.
  • “The China Syndrome” (1979): A thrilling narrative about media manipulation and corporate cover-ups, possibly fostering distrust in information sources.

These films provide valuable social commentary, but they also blur the lines between what might be considered truthful representation and what could be deemed as promoting misinformation.

AI’s Role in Censorship: An Ethical Quagmire

Given AI’s lack of human intuition and moral judgment, there are serious concerns about whether machines should have the power to decide what constitutes misinformation or fake news in screenwriting.

  1. The Danger of Oversimplification: AI might oversimplify complex issues, leading to the potential misrepresentation of facts or suppression of critical viewpoints.
  2. Censorship Concerns: Granting AI the ability to censor content based on its understanding of misinformation could lead to unwarranted suppression of artistic expression.
  3. Lack of Accountability: Without human oversight, AI’s decisions might lack transparency and accountability, leading to decisions that are difficult to challenge or understand.

A Collaborative Solution

A collaboration between human screenwriters and AI might provide a balanced approach. Human insight combined with AI’s analytical capabilities could lead to responsible storytelling that neither promotes misinformation nor stifles creativity.

Human screenwriters can bring nuance, empathy, and ethical reasoning to AI’s quantitative analysis. Together, they can create narratives that are both engaging and responsible.


The integration of AI into screenwriting is an exciting development, providing new tools and perspectives for storytellers. However, it raises significant ethical questions regarding censorship and misinformation.

Striking the right balance between leveraging AI’s capabilities and maintaining ethical storytelling requires careful navigation. Collaboration between human writers and AI might be the key to unlocking a future where creativity thrives without compromising integrity and truth.

In the rapidly evolving world of AI-generated screenplays, the line between innovation and responsibility must be drawn with care and consideration, nurturing a landscape where artistry and ethics coexist harmoniously.

