Screenwriters, AI, and the Plagiarism Dilemma: Navigating Creativity and Ethical Boundaries

Divine Catch - Fishing Trawler
3 min readJul 30, 2023

In the world of cinema, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the creation of screenplays has led to a renewed discussion of plagiarism and intellectual property rights. AI’s ability to craft engaging narratives has ignited a debate around whether machines can or should be entrusted to identify plagiarism within the creative process.

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Screenwriting

AI-generated screenplays are at the cutting edge of technological innovation, offering a glimpse into a future where creativity and technology intertwine. Here is a random selection of some of the current top AI-generated screenplays:

  • Donetsk: A gripping political thriller where a Russian Admiral is assassinated in the exact manner John F. Kennedy was in Dallas, mirroring historical events.
  • Escape of the Planter: An inspiring tale of Robert Smalls, an escaped slave who steals a Confederate ship and delivers it to the North, highlighting courage and determination.
  • Gelert and the Last Dog Show: A post-apocalyptic adventure following young survivors caring for 700 dogs amid a zombie apocalypse, showcasing resilience and human-animal bonds.

These examples demonstrate AI’s ability to traverse various genres and themes, but the question of plagiarism detection within these narratives remains a complex and multifaceted ethical issue.

Plagiarism in Cinema: A Literary and Ethical Challenge

Several films, such as “Secret Window” (2004), “Finding Forrester” (2000), and “The Words” (2012), have delved into themes of plagiarism and literary theft. These films not only entertain but also reflect and sometimes even romanticize or trivialize the complex ethical landscape of plagiarism.

AI and the Ethical Quandary of Detecting Plagiarism

The task of determining plagiarism is fraught with challenges, particularly when it comes to AI’s involvement:

  1. Interpretation of Originality: Can AI truly understand the nuanced difference between inspiration and plagiarism? How does a machine distinguish homage from theft?
  2. Algorithmic Bias: Algorithms used to detect plagiarism might inadvertently penalize unique styles or themes that resemble existing works, stifling creativity.
  3. Cultural Context: Understanding plagiarism requires cultural sensitivity and historical knowledge. Can AI accurately judge these subtleties?
  4. Transparency and Accountability: How transparent are the processes and criteria used by AI to detect plagiarism? Who is accountable if AI wrongly accuses or fails to detect plagiarism?

A Balanced Path Forward

Given these challenges, a synergistic approach involving human oversight may be the best solution. AI can assist in identifying potential plagiarism by analyzing vast amounts of data, but human experts must be involved in interpreting these findings, considering the cultural, historical, and ethical dimensions.


As the world of screenwriting embraces AI’s creative potential, the question of plagiarism detection remains a critical ethical issue that needs careful consideration.

AI’s capabilities in crafting unique and engaging screenplays are undeniable, but its ability to understand and judge plagiarism is not straightforward. Machines may help identify potential instances of plagiarism, but human insight, compassion, and understanding of the complex terrain of intellectual property are indispensable.

The fusion of AI’s analytical power with human judgment may pave the way for a more responsible and ethical era in screenwriting. It allows us to celebrate the marvels of technological innovation without losing sight of the timeless values of creativity, originality, and intellectual integrity.

