Screenwriters and AI: Crafting Stories and Crossing Boundaries

Divine Catch - Fishing Trawler
3 min readJul 30, 2023

The evolution of storytelling has seen a dramatic turn with the integration of artificial intelligence into the creative process. AI’s application in crafting screenplays presents new opportunities and challenges for both screenwriters and the audience. But as the fusion of technology and creativity develops, ethical questions emerge, especially when it comes to themes such as hate speech and discrimination.

The AI Revolution in Screenwriting

The use of AI in screenwriting has moved beyond just a theoretical concept. Machines can now process large amounts of data, learn from past works, and even produce scripts that capture human emotions and narratives. The following is a random list of some top artificial intelligence-generated screenplays:

  • The First Lady (at the Beverly Hills Alfred): A political romance develops as the first First Lady to divorce a sitting US President plots her return to political life.
  • A Chupacabra for Christmas: A tale of acceptance as Sister Bertrille adopts a baby Chupacabra during Christmas, much to her small Texas town’s concern.
  • Reconquista Cowboy: A modern-day Cowboy’s battle against invaders is a metaphorical exploration of personal struggle and redemption.
  • The Chinese Pope: The naming of a Cardinal as Pope while he is imprisoned by the Communist Chinese raises questions about freedom and spiritual authority.
  • Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: Chaos and revelation during the Iraq war provide a gritty and realistic portrayal of modern conflict.
  • Oscar Night: An inspiring story of an actress who gets her break on the grandest stage of all, Oscar night.
  • The New Corporate Culture: Socialism in New York City is portrayed in a critical light, sparking discussion and thought.

These unique storylines demonstrate the breadth of creativity and innovation AI can bring to the table. But along with the exciting possibilities, there are concerns.

Ethical Considerations: Hate Speech and Discrimination

The portrayal of hate speech and discrimination in films has always been fraught with moral complexity. When AI is added to the equation, the ethical dilemmas become more pronounced. Here are three historical examples:

  • “Birth of a Nation” (1915): Presents racist portrayals of African Americans, perpetuating stereotypes and racial bias.
  • “Triumph of the Will” (1935): A Nazi propaganda film that promotes anti-Semitic and racial supremacist ideologies.
  • “The Eternal Jew” (1940): Another anti-Semitic propaganda film, promoting hatred against Jewish people.

The dilemma lies in how AI, devoid of moral reasoning, might inadvertently create or amplify content that promotes hate speech or discrimination. Unlike human writers who can exercise discretion and consider social implications, AI algorithms work on patterns and data. What guidelines and limitations should be set to ensure responsible creation?

Balancing Creativity and Sensitivity

A potential solution lies in human oversight and the careful curation of data used to train AI models. By setting clear parameters and guidelines, AI can be directed away from creating content that may inadvertently promote hate or discrimination. Collaboration between human writers and AI can ensure the ethical integrity of the content.

However, this approach must be carefully considered to avoid censorship and to preserve the creative freedom that often drives meaningful social discourse and change.


The collaboration between human screenwriters and artificial intelligence is an exciting frontier that can lead to unique and compelling stories. From political romances to historical dramas, the possibilities are endless.

However, the responsibility to ensure that these creations do not unintentionally promote hate or discrimination is paramount. The challenges are complex, but they are not insurmountable.

By fostering a mindful collaboration between humans and machines, the film industry can continue to evolve without losing sight of the values and principles that guide our society. The goal is not just to tell stories but to tell stories that matter, reflect our diverse world, and inspire thoughtful dialogue and change.

