Do I choose Design Sprint or Innovation Workshop?

Rocksauce Studios
3 min readSep 19, 2019


Your business has something that needs solving. You considered your options, and you’re at a fork in the road. “How do I choose between a design sprint and an innovation workshop?”

Let’s start with a little background on each option. A design sprint is a structured multiple-day event (usually 4 to 5 days, all in a row) where you and your team concept, plan, prototype, and test a solution.

Am I Right for an Innovation Workshop? (Yes!)

An innovation workshop is a brainstorming session on steroids. It brings in a facilitator who assigns activities and tasks, keeps people on track, and helps to make sure no voices or ideas in the room are drowning anyone out. The workshop makes sure you’re solving the right problem with the right solution. You’ll end the day with a clear direction.

That said, how do you choose between an innovation workshop and a design sprint? Here at Rocksauce, we work with out customers to figure out which stage of the problem — and which stage of the solution — they’re currently in. We recommend an innovation workshop if you aren’t sure what the exact problem is that you’re trying to solve or if you’re uncertain about the best solution to pursue. An innovation workshop helps you find a direction towards a solution.

Choosing a Design Sprint

There are a few different situations where you might opt for a design sprint. Maybe you already have a product built, but you’d like to roll out a new feature. You’re just not sure how. Maybe you already know what problem you’re trying to solve, and you want to ensure the right approach. In these situations, running a design sprint will help you validate (or invalidate) a risky idea right off the bat. You’ll move quickly from concept to prototyping to testing with users.

I’ll let you in on a little secret. You’re already thinking about the user and trying to build the right thing for them. That puts you way ahead of the game. You don’t want to fumble around during the critical first stages of the process, certain that your idea is perfect and doesn’t need validating. The best products you’ve ever used are the best because they were tested, re-tested, and refined until they were great. This happens through design sprints.

Getting Started

So, how do you get started on running an innovation workshop or a design sprint? We recommended giving us a call at 866–981–6847 or shooting us an email to Rocksauce leads innovation workshops and design sprints right now! We facilitated countless sprints where we helped clients, ranging from huge construction companies all the way down to smaller entrepreneurial projects. We built tons of projects from start to finish, and from concept to launch in the app store.

Whether you’re an enterprise company dealing with internal issues, you’re an entrepreneur ready to launch that product idea, or you already launched a digital product but its features and functionality leave something to be desired, we help you kickstart the journey to your best solutions. We diagnose the issue, help you discover the right way forward, and work with you to create something truly badass.

Originally published at Rocksauce Studios.



Rocksauce Studios

We build stuff people use. Rocksauce is a people-focused innovation agency from Austin, using technology for digital transformation & popular mobile apps.