SXSW Special: Vote For Your Favorite Appetite For Destruction

Rocksauce Studios
Published in
1 min readFeb 3, 2013

Since its inception, Tapsauce has been home to the world’s greatest terrible-mobile-app-themed four panel comic strip, Appetite For Destruction. For over a year, our own John Gholson has written and drawn a new comic every other Friday, creating a library of hilariously awful (and occasionally amazing) mobile app concepts, from iTeeth to Scroogr to Catnapp. Now, we want your help to pick the best of the best.

We don’t want to give away our Top Secret SXSW Plans quite yet, but we can tell you that Appetite For Destruction is a part of it. All we need you to do is head over our Facebook page and like or comment on your favorite comments!

We’ll have more Appetite For Destruction (and more on our Super Stealthy Awesome Cool SXSW plans) very soon!

(Do you have a great app idea? Rocksauce Studios wants to help you make it!)

Originally published at Rocksauce Studios.



Rocksauce Studios

We build stuff people use. Rocksauce is a people-focused innovation agency from Austin, using technology for digital transformation & popular mobile apps.