Unveiling the Truth Behind Semi-Mechanical Humans

Rocky Gates
2 min readMay 21, 2024

Recently, Elon Musk announced the success of the first human brain chip implant surgery, marking the beginning of a new era where humans can store memory and become semi-mechanical beings. This has sparked heated debates on whether it is morally justifiable to mechanize human bodies. While Musk is not the first entrepreneur to propose AI-powered humans, he is the first to attempt to make it a reality, which is indeed a bold move.

However, engineer Corey Goode, who was involved in the US secret space program, claimed that humans had already entered the semi-mechanical era in the late 1990s, with technology backed by extraterrestrial intelligence. The plan to create semi-mechanical humans was first tested in a military hospital in Maryland, where prisoners on death row were used as test subjects. The experiment was shrouded in secrecy, and the military had full control over the process.

The concept of a cyborg, as depicted in the 1990s sci-fi movie, is not just a fantasy. According to Corey Goode, after the testing of semi-mechanical humans, 22 volunteers from elite troops were selected to undergo mechanical transformation and were deployed to a space station on the outskirts of Jupiter. This space station is the only portal for interstellar communication between Earth and alien civilizations. The US government has been hiding all records of extraterrestrial contact and interstellar content from the public.

The MJ12 group, similar to the Men in Black, was responsible for destroying all records of alien contact and covering up the truth. MJ12 was originally under the US Air Force but later became directly affiliated with the President. Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, is still alive today. On his 90th birthday, he inadvertently revealed that he had dealt with reptilian aliens, which he later tried to cover up.

It’s no surprise that the CIA was not aware of the secret space program. When Ingo Swann, a psychic, remotely viewed Jupiter, he didn’t know that he was seeing a space station built by extraterrestrial civilizations. When CIA Director William Casey presented the remote viewing data to President Reagan, Reagan showed little surprise, suggesting that he was already aware of the secret space program.



Rocky Gates

I am Rockey, a science fiction reader and writer. Let our imaginations soar and journey together to the future!