Fairmount Cemetery: A Historic and Serene Landmark in Denver.

Rocky Mountain Garage Doors
3 min readMay 18, 2023


It is located in the heart in the heart of Denver, Colorado, the Fairmount Cemetery is not just the final resting spot for the deceased, it’s an expansive, 280-acre park-like area that is rich in history, architectural beauty, and nature. It was established in 1890 and is Denver’s second-oldest cemetery and is a enduring testimony to the city’s history.

A Rich Tapestry of History

When you walk along Fairmount Cemetery, you are traversing a time-line of Denver’s history. The cemetery is the last resting place of numerous pioneers of the city political, prominent, and famous individuals. Their lives are recorded in the mausoleums, headstones, and monuments that adorn the landscape, providing an exclusive glimpse into the city’s history.

One of the prominent burials includes Frederick G. Bonfils, co-founder of The Denver Post. The cemetery also contains military sections that honor veterans of all conflicts, whose service is celebrated with respect and dignity.

An Architectural Showcase

Fairmount Cemetery is not just about graves. It’s a true showcase of architectural and funerary works. The cemetery is home to a variety of monuments and mausoleums that reflect diverse architectural styles, that range from Victorian Gothic to Art Deco.

The top of the line in this cemetery lies in the Fairmount Mausoleum which is among the most magnificent structures that can be found within the United States. Its stained glass window, the marble insides as well as intricate mosaics, make the Fairmount Mausoleum a must for art and architecture enthusiasts.


A Natural Sanctuary

Although it is primarily an area for burials, Fairmount is also a spot of peace with natural beauties. It is home to a wide array of plants and trees that are marked to help visitors be able to recognize. Arboretum status for the cemetery was granted in 2008 and has contributed to the park-like atmosphere.

The cemetery in spring explodes into bloom with blossoming flowers like lilacs, roses and Irises. The green spaces are populated by bird-watchers and naturalists It’s not unusual to see families enjoying picnics under the shade of the mature trees.

Community Engagement

Fairmount Cemetery is not isolated from the rest of the community. In fact it actively participates in community involvement. Fairmount Cemetery hosts a variety of activities throughout the year including historical walks, Memorial Day services, and even Halloween-themed storytelling events. These events are designed to educate people about the cemetery’s historical significance and encourage feelings of community involvement.

Preserving the Legacy

The maintenance of the cemetery is a major job and one that Fairmount Heritage Foundation has undertaken. The Foundation strives to protect the cemetery’s historic structures, to restore and interpret the cemetery’s historical structures and landscapes, to ensure that the rich history of Fairmount Cemetery remains accessible for the next generation.

In Conclusion

Fairmount Cemetery in Denver, Colorado is much more than a graveyard. It’s an historical landmark as well as an architectural wonder and a botanical garden and an urban center. It’s a space where the past is a part of the present in a place where silence speaks for itself and where every area has an interesting story to be told.

If you’re a historian, someone who loves nature or simply seeking a quiet area within the metropolis, you should take an excursion in Fairmount Cemetery. It’s more than just a place to visit but an experience that will take you on a trip through Denver’s past by one headstone at a time.

