Why ROCKZ, why now?

3 min readSep 3, 2018


ROCKZ was started by bankers, who were also early promoters and believers in the crypto economy and the blockchain revolution. We are not however tied to the traditional ways of the banking world: Times have changed dramatically, although many financial institutions still fail to understand this.

ROCKZ — and its parent company Alprockz — is designed to give power to our users and become the leading provider of stablecoins. The platform is not for Venture Capital investors, however much we respect them, but primarily for anyone willing to support and develop an initiative which gives them freedom, but with safety and stability. The ROCKZ ecosystem will create and give access to investment possibilities which have never before been offered, and ROCKZ is built on the values of Decentralization, Inclusion, Legal Enforceability, Ownership, and Democracy.

There has been a steady movement towards Decentralization in recent years, helped along hugely by the blockchain, and the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies. For traditional banking this has been a nightmare, with all the sacred cows of banking being challenged, and overturned. The earnings models of banking, and ‘command and control’ operations are deeply threatened by the crypto world. More and more banks and financial institutions are taking a serious second look, and coming to the conclusion that perhaps crypto isn’t so frightening after all. As crypto becomes ‘the new normal’ there is the clear need for the bridge-building that ROCKZ is uniquely set up to achieve.

In terms of Inclusion, we are proudly focusing on the public. ROCKZ is not just for the ‘happy few’ who invest big tickets — we seek the support of the many and varied crypto users. The corollary is that we expect the mass of people to recognize the opportunity we are creating for them to take ownership of their own destiny. If this sounds revolutionary, I admit that it is, but in a very sane and balanced way.

And let’s not forget that we are Swiss. The Legal Enforceability of ROCKZ was uppermost in our minds from the very beginning. We have watched as other financial ICOs have been raised, and then failed, because they either ignored the strength of regulators, or felt that their offering could somehow magic its way around obstacles. We have never viewed rules as flexible, and indeed we have built ROCKZ on the solid Swiss values of trust and accountability. Everything about ROCKZ is designed from the ground up to give security, trust and safety to our users. Just take a look at our whitepaper to see how ‘bullet proof’ we truly are, and how legally well-protected ROCKZ customers are.

Similarly, when it comes to Ownership, ROCKZ always places control in the hands of the customer base, and even if the ROCKZ company were to go bankrupt, the ROCKZ coins remain the property of customers, and fully redeemable with real, physical Swiss francs held in vaults and banks in Switzerland. ROCKZ investors know that at any time they can ‘Say hello’ to their money, and are certainly not ever ‘Waving goodbye’ to it!

There is a saying that, “The best argument against Democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” This is sometimes cited as the rather cynical view of Winston Churchill, however at Alprockz we disagree with that respected British Prime Minister. We firmly believe in Democracy, and the right of people to fully understand and participate in how their affairs and finances are handled. The old, centralized order is changing. Which brings us back full circle as to why we are doing an ICO, rather than other more conventional banking-lead approaches.

It is because to our core, we support the democratization of finance, and this is perfectly exemplified by ROCKZ.

Yassine Ben Hamida

Alprockz co-founder

