Pingtumi Availability for iMessage

Rod Brewster
3 min readSep 22, 2022


iMessage Apps

Figuring out when everyone is available to meet continues to be a challenge. It involves assessing the current state of your calendar, selecting potential available dates, communicating your selection with others and hoping for few conflicts.

Over the past years, several apps have emerged to solve this problem but many of them are overly complex and focused on large groups within the businesses community. What’s missing is a simple solution that’s geared towards small intimate groups such as friends and family and can be easily shared within a messaging app such as iMessage.

With that in mind, we create Availability for iMessage. It enables you to select up to ten potential available dates and share them with your group via iMessage.

When recipients receive your available dates, they can select one of three options, Available, Tentative or Unavailable then send their selection to the group. Each group participant will be able to view the availability status of all the other participants. The message originator will then have the option to create and send a calendar invite based on everyones availability.

To get started, follow the steps below. We hope you enjoy using our iMessage extension. For additional messaging capabilities, check out the Pingtumi app and learn how you can improve communications with large groups via scheduled and real time push notifications.

  1. Download Pingtumi from the App Store, locate and launch iMessage on your iPhone then tap + to the left of the text field.

2. Scroll up or tap the More button. Tap and hold Pingtumi then slide up and off the screen.

3. Position Pingtumi above the More button. Tap to launch Pingtumi then select “Availability”.

4. Check your calendar for conflicts then add the dates you’re available then tap “send”

5. Recipients select their availability then tap “Send” to share their availability status with the group. The message originator can also create a calendar invite for the event.

We think you’re really going to enjoy gathering everyones availability via iMessage. Please feel free to drop us a note at and let us know how we can make your messaging experience even better.

You can download Pingtumi from the app store here or visit our website

Also, feel free to check out our other iMessage apps

Pingtumi Greeting Cards for iPhone

Pingtumi Sticky Notes for iMessage

Pingtumi Calendar Events for iMessage

Pingtumi Shared List for iMessage

Pingtumi Reminders for iMessage

Pingtumi Polls for iMessage

Happy Pinging!

