Dr Rodney Aziz | How To identify the Skin Cancer

Rodney Aziz
2 min readApr 13, 2016

Skin cancer is the most generally recognized cancer for each women and men. The number of verified conditions has continuously improved over the past few years. Knowing your danger elements, how to determine the early levels of this disease and how to secure you from skin cancer is essential for early detection and efficient treatment.

There are two kinds of skin cancer:

melanomas and keratinocyte cancers. Melanomas are less typical yet more critical than other types of skin cancer. It is significant that you find and receive treatment for all types of this cancer to avoid the spread into surrounding cells. A main risk element for skin cancer is visibility to ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunshine or tanning beds. UV rays can go through the skin even when it is gloomy, cool or obscure outside. There are some things you can do to limit your sun visibility. Many doctors suggest everyday use of sunscreen.

You should search for color when investing time outside and try to avoid activities outside when the sun’s rays are strongest, usually between 10am and 4 pm. Hats, sunglasses and safety clothes secure your skin from UV visibility. Stay away from interior sun tanning beds as they have been connected to melanoma and squalors cell skin cancer.



Rodney Aziz

Dr Rodney Aziz - MBBS (Melb), FRACGP, FCPCA, DipSkinCancer, MAICD - is a General Practitioner based in Melbourne, Australia