Rodney Don Holder & Optimizing Your Company’s Audio/Visual Needs

Rodney Don Holder
3 min readNov 4, 2019


Considering how people are immensely reliant on audio and visual components, whether it is for learning purposes, news reports or the development of their own presentations, companies are left with little alternative but to integrate them into their strategies. Video conferencing, remote collaboration, augmented reality, virtual reality and streaming media are not oddities. No, they are now definitely the industry standard.

With technology’s modern-day advances, there is little reason to believe that the innovations will cease anytime soon. Rodney Don Holder has amassed years of experience working within the audio/visual industry, helping companies such as AT&T and Johnson Controls. Here, he has determined a few ways to revise your company’s audio and visual needs.

Constantly Incorporate

Society’s elites — business tycoons and executives — were the only people constantly clutching a smartphone at one stage. How times have changed; everyone, from the tykes to the elderly, seems to be navigating a smartphone or tablet in 2019. Similarly, companies have observed the necessity for incorporating audio and visual technology for the sake of their businesses. Cutting corners and saving a few dollars by not opting for new technology might be tempting, but the company will only stumble behind its competition eventually. Most companies, when designing their meeting rooms or finalizing computing devices, are presently expected to include video conferencing, HD quality cameras, high quality microphones and numerous displays to wirelessly distribute their content. Rodney Don Holder is a firm believer that companies should continuously discuss audio and visual technologies during annual budget meetings and their planning phases to ensure that the newest technologies that are reasonable are put into place. Failure to do so will curtail the company’s expansion and success.

Video Is the Dominant Medium

While print media was enough to keep us intrigued previously, most news today is consumed via video, as outlets such as Instagram, Twitch, Snapchat and YouTube are continually growing their audiences. Rodney Don Holder notes that companies are urged to notice this trend and apply it to their blueprint. Employees are keen on providing their undivided attention to a video presentation rather than having to sift through pages of documents. Likewise, a company’s customers will be more inclined to pay good money for devices that will deliver real-time, visual information. Digital screens and displays have already skyrocketed in terms of how frequently we see them in the general public’s hands; however, businesses must realize that this transformation is only going to expand, so long as the products continue to be released.

Keep Consumers Involved

Thriving companies have ensured that the public is actively participating in their preparations, as they streamline services and guarantee that their software is simple to use. Users don’t wish to be frustrated or unsure of their technology, so it is vital that firms create open, easy technology that can operate on nearly any platform. Most social media apps, productivity suites and entertainment content are available in such a fashion, even on that outdated television that you own. A company’s audio and visual investments must follow these guidelines, otherwise it will encounter an abundance of irritated customers when they realize that their devices are no longer compatible with these outdated programs.



Rodney Don Holder

Rodney Don Holder is an Audio/Visual and Security Specialist working for CEI as their Vice-President of Business Development and Operations in Dahlonega, GA.