Decentralized Reputation, answer to OB

2 min readMar 7, 2016


I just read this and after criticize the approach a lot in different comments I think will be more constructive to give a short answer to give them a better approach to the problem.

1 — There is no way to create an objective system, this is already know from a lot of time.

2 — Since “third party” it’s the root of all evils this can be the most direct solution and address serious people, although I recognize the majority of people doesn’t want to be serious, and I address them in the following few lines.

An easy fast graph will be really easy to do, just allow to save in the DHT, a directed graph where everybody save his judge on other people in the network. Then develope a simple algo with user customizable parameters to get a trust number for every people the user want to trade with.

Example, I know IRL A and B. I trust them 10 and 7. I want to buy an item from X.

A — — trust_10/10 — →C
A — — trust_1/10 — →Z
B — — trust_7/10 — →D
Z — — trust_7/10 — →X
C — — trust_9/10 — →X
D — — trust_5/10 — →X

Now I run an algo on this data where for example I can simply multiply every edge from me to X and average them like (1*0.9+0.1*0.7+0.7*0.9)/3 so in this case my trust to will be 0.5, obviously I can have a better algo, here you can’t even customize your params. Maybe I don’t trust people under 3/10, and in this case I get a trust of 0.76!

Obviously then you can have hubs, with a lot of — — trust_x/10 — →to a lot of users, here you can get the “usefulness” of the node measured in how much it goes with yours trust values (here you need another algo), and you can adjust you trust exposure to there hubs with a sort of multilayes perceptron algo.

Anyway the basic point is, we have enough of judges, people who are actually a paradox since they apply a law equal for everybody on other people who receive it, and this asymmetry deny the original equality the law is based upon, judges not only are a paradox, they are evil and dangerous, and I don’t want to see them in a decentralized environment.

They doesn’t works because they can earn more if they are unjust, and most important, they are just a lot of talk and a badge.

