This ONE thing will significantly increase your productivity.

Rodrigo Ferreira
3 min readMay 16, 2024


My Promise: If you follow the suggestions in this article, you will be able to do a lot more during the day.

By Leonardo AI

Imagine this:

Click, click, click.

The keyboard taps continually as your fingers press automatically.

You take a sip of water while focusing on the screen.

Nothing is heard except the tranquil chirping of the birds that fill the space.

Not even your regular load of ideas, which usually arise when you try to complete a task, can stop you now.

After completing the majority of the day’s work, the clock displays “8:32 am” on the screen. (change story to make sense)

“What?!” you ask aloud.

This is usually the time you wake up when thoughts flood in and you continue your habit of not getting anything done; but, this time, before anyone woke up — you have already completed everything.

The one thing that will change how much work you get done

Let’s face this:

If you’re reading this you most likely don’t find yourself in this situation often.

You probably have the attention span of a goldfish.

And you feel frustrated that it’s extremely difficult for you to get any work.

You may have realised that in anything in life:

Everything is related to your ability to complete the work.

So how do you get the work done?

I am not here to waste your time.

If you see this post and it just seems like a normal day to you, please assist folks in the comments and provide any other ideas I may have overlooked.

Action Steps: Getting The Work Done

#1 Plan the Day Before

Planning what you want to do prevents you from wasting your time wondering about what to do.

If you organise your day ahead of time, the chores you assign to yourself will be important to you rather than those that your brain attempts to persuade you to undertake.

#2 Wake Up Earlier

Not all hours are equal.

You’ll do much more work in the earlier hours of the day, rather than the later hours.

If you’re doing a college assignment at 4:30 am, you’ll be way more likely to be in lazer mode, than the person who is doing the same assignment at 5:30 pm.

In the morning hours of the day, you’re sharp, you’re focused.

In the later hours of the day, your mind is foggy, and all you want to do is lie down and sleep.

In which hours will you be more productive? Sharp-focused hours, or brain fog hours?

#3 Make Your Work The First Thing You Do On the Day

If your mind is sharp, you better use it when it doesn't have anything accumulating it.

When you check you’re phone, it starts to get used to how much dopamine your phone emits.

If you have no extreme dopamine in your brain, you’re more likely to concentrate and not get bored.

Wake up, do bed, do your work.


  • There are several strategies you can use together.
  • However, the one thing that will help really to the work is waking up early.
  • Furthermore, applying all of the tips in your life will dramatically change how you work, don’t overcomplicate it, it’s that easy.


The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.



Rodrigo Ferreira

I'm a self-improvement writer, however, don't expect toxic positivity from me. Follow, and I will make it my mission to wake you up.