7 Habits For The Perfect Morning Routine

Rodrigo Cunha Ribas
2 min readJan 5, 2023


Starting the day right may change our lives in the long run

A woman waking up
Photo Credit: Bruce Mars — Unplash (ALT text)

This topic needs no introduction, so let’s cut to the chase, showing some habits that I’ve been practicing for years in my mornings, which have been helpful to my quality of life in general, mainly to my productivity.

  1. Going to bed early — It would be worthless to think about the best way to start our days off if we are already tired when we wake up.
  2. Making our bed — It’s a little thing that sends the right message about ourselves.
  3. Drinking a big glass of water — This is something that I’ve been doing for years, based on research, and it makes me feel excellent, mainly because it feels like cleaning my body.
  4. Taking a cold shower — I’ve been doing this for years as well; it brings me all kinds of benefits; in the morning, it makes me alert and alive.
  5. Journaling — This one was hard to make stick, but I currently journal every single day, which is awesome for several reasons, like organizing my thoughts; for writers, it may be helpful as a warm-up for the day.
  6. Taking sunlight — I know this sounds way too specific, but Andrew Huberman teaches us that exposing ourselves to sunlight in the morning, which implies getting out, is key to sleep better.
  7. Exercising — The benefits we get when we exercise are well-known. Doing it in the morning brings us advantages like making us more alert and avoiding not exercising at all during the day.


  1. Touching our cell phones Solitude is paramount, mainly in the morning, and using social media so early is the worst thing we can do in this department.
  2. Overeating — I usually fast in the morning, which gives me a lot of energy. I don’t recommend it to everybody because this is a very controversial subject.



Rodrigo Cunha Ribas

Writer and lawyer with a Master's degree in this field. You can contact me at rodrigocunharibas@gmail.com