You Disregard Your Conscience at Your Peril

What should you do if science and your world view clash?

9 min readOct 2, 2020
A single bottle vial of Covid-19 coronavirus vaccine in a research medical lab. 3D illustration
What I learned collided with my world view and now I’m in a quandary Photo by Solarseven, Courtesy of Shutterstock

The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members’—Mahatma Gandhi

If I’d only stayed in bed for two minutes more, before turning the radio on, I would have missed the interview and gone about my day, blissfully ignorant.

What I learned collided with my world view and now I’m in a quandary.

Three Australian Archbishops had raised ethical concerns over current research being carried out into a COVID-19 vaccine!

Is there a magic bullet?

World health leaders indicate that security from the COVID-19 virus will occur only after a vaccine has been fully tested, vetted, and distributed.

Significant advances have already been made in the quest for the magic bullet, with over 160 vaccines at the preclinical or clinical trial stage. Human testing is also underway, but, optimistically, a viable and fully tested vaccine is probably not going to be available to the general population until mid-2021.

Meanwhile, Melbourne, Australia, the 2nd most livable city in the world, is in lockdown.




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